The articles 16-21(preparation of Greek team)
The 4th Global Goal- Solidarity Campaign
Here in Greece we choose the 4th global goal "Quality Education" to work with.
- The teachers prepared a ppoint to inform the students for the Global Goals and motivate them with the 4 true stories of children who had to be excluded from their school. link
- Students divided to 4 groups and prepared about:
- discrimination
- child labour
- marriage
- conflict
They drew, wrote essays, messages and created 4 posters
Articles 16-21 (They watced the relative videos from the site
They studied about and search on internet about:
- gender equality
- the position of the woman within religion
- racial equality
Especially we motivated them with worksheets about Gender equality:
- What does it mean to be a girl/boy?
- What’s the difference between Sex and Gender?
- Do you recognize which is the sex of a baby?
- Professional stereotypes
We talked about the feminist movement and the women's right to vote – soufragettes and then we focused on the position of woman today in the Europe and in Greece.
They used researches from and they made a ppoint presentation with results about:
- Proportion of women in the European Parliament and Greek Parliament
- The percentage women/men at municipal elections – mayors
- Percentage by sex in the Supreme Courts in Europe and Greece
A group of students took an interview of women of three generations.
Women of 20 - 50 – 70 years old answered to the same questions in order to combine the answers and draw conclusions.
All the above elements were used to the presentations for the LTT in Sweden.
presentation articles 16-21