Greek Team
During this term we have organised several activities
1. Erasmus Days. We involved all the students of our school.
On Thursday 25 October the erasmus students of the greek team watched the performance "Tsigan, The Gypsy Poem" at the Athens Concert Hall.
A performance full of poetry and music, based on the work Τsigan, The Gypsy Poem, by American poet of Rom descent Cecilia Woloch (Two Sylvias Press, L.A., USA). In an imaginary dialogue with her grandmother, a Gypsy from the Carpathian Mountains, she seeks her identity and origin, and explores Rom history in Europe, America and the rest of the world, through the troubled first half of the 20th century culminating in the Second World War, and reaching as far as the present time.
During our erasmus workshops this term the students had to answer to questions about:
on the right to an adequate standard of living,
the right to social security,
the right to education
Is it possible to have an adequate standard of living without the rights to social security and education?
They discussed and answered on worksheets about the rigth to education ex.
The students searched on internet and magazines about the articles 22-27 and made posters-collage
They participated in motivated games as they have to match particular right -duty with the corect answer-picture (pedagogical material from compassito)
They watced the film "Dans le murs" the same week with all the partners school and they exchanged their ideas and opinions at the twinspace forum via a common questionaire.
We "opened" coperative google-docs and google-presentations, we divided them at 5 groups and they made a research and prepared a ppoint Presentation about ROMA which is going to present at the LTT in Bulgaria.
The 5 students who are going to travel to Bulgaria prepared another presentation about great Greek personalities (msicians,poets, writers, academic persons e.t.c.) and they will present it at Bulgaria too.