SEPT 2018 - We start-Telling about me

  • Nearly one year ago five schools from different parts of Europe – Greece, Holland, Iceland, Sweden and Bulgaria joined their efforts and decided to work together on an Erasmus + project. All of us were motivated by the same challenges we face in our everyday life: migration crisis, cultural and religious diversity in classrooms and as a result discrimination, intolerance and bullying at school. That is why we called our project “Living in a Challenging World”. The main purpose of the project is by implementing activities fostering tolerance and by establishing connection between people from different countries and different backgrounds to promote common European values.   The Icelandic school took the responsibility of being our project coordinator. We worked hard and we succeeded! The project has been approved!


    The website of our project:


    Greece - Byron (Vyronas)--> 1st Gymnasium of Byron

    Island - Isafgjiordur -->  Grunnskolinn a Isafirdi

    The Netherlands - Delft -->  Grotiuscollege Delft

    Bulgaria -  Pleven     -->   State School of Finance and Management "INTELEKT