Weekend cultural activities - UNESCO, geology and vulcanoes

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    I visited the island Sao Miguel over the weekend and I will show you just some of the geological wonders of this fairytale island. 



    A crater lake, Lagoa das Furnas, at an elevation of 359 metres (1,178 ft) and populated by several fumaroles and mud pools are located at the northern part of the lake. In the central part of the village, springs and geysers are prevalent; thirty springs, each of differing temperatures and chemical compositions, including warm iron-rich streams and piped examples of mineral-rich warm and cold water. The geysers are situated in several basins rich in sodium bicarbonate, boron, fluorine and traces of carbon dioxide. The local inhabitants cook corn-type dishes in the geysers. The installations of hydrotherapy are in the park and were built in the 19th century.

    U ovim rupama restorani "kuhaju" hranu. I jakooo je fina...




    Lagoa do Fogo (Lake/Lagoon of Fire) is a crater lake within the stratovulcano in the center of the island.

    Poca Da Dona Beija

    Poça da Dona Beija's ferruginous muds are indicated for cutaneous invigoration, and it's hot waters are therapeutic.


    Caldeira Velha is a protected area classified as a Natural Monument of Sao Miguel Natural Park and a geosite of Azores UNESCO Global Geopark. This natural area is a place of secondary volcanism of the Fogo Volcano. It is possible to observe a fumarola and a hot spring that through a stream feeds two natural pools: one with a waterfall, whose water is about 26ºC and the small pool with water at 38ºC.


    The two crater lakes (Lagoas das Sete Cidades), 500 metres within the crater, are referred to by the color of the waters: blue, reflecting the sky (Lagoa Azul) and green, reflecting the ground (Lagoa Verde). According to legend, the differently colored lakes were created when a princess and her lover, a young shepherd, had to part from each other. The tears they shed at their farewell became the two lakes, with the water colored like their eyes.


    *some texts are from wikipedia.com