DAY 1, Monday 09. 10. 2017.
The first day I was welcomed at the school by the sience teachers I am job shadowing. A great number of 7th, 9th and 10th year students and their teachers have gathered in the library and prepared a presentation about the Azores and the island Terceira as well as the island's history and gastronomy.
I was greeted by the teachers, the headmaster and the pedagogical advisor as well as many teachers in the school.
I presented our country and the city of Zagreb and afterwards students and teachers asked many questions.
I was taken on a tour around the school and have seen the laboratory cabinets and classrooms as well as amazing teacher lounges and cafeteria. I met a lot of friendly students and teachers and was asked even to attend an English class where I will be asked questions about my country, city, school and students by the Portuguese students.
Afterwards we had a meeting to discuss the sechedle for the week and the preparation for tomorrows classes.
Prvi su me dan u školi me dočekali profesori prirodoslovlja koje ću pratiti u radu slijedeća 2 tjedna. Veliki broj učenika 7., 9. i 10. godine te njihovih nastavnika okupio se u knjižnici i pripremio prezentaciju o Azorima i otočiću Terceira te o povijesti i gastronomiji otoka.
Srdačno su me dočekali me učitelji, ravnatelj i pedagoški savjetnik, kao i mnogi učitelji u školi.
Prezentirala sam našu zemlju i grad Zagreb, a potom su učenici i učitelji postavljali su mnoga pitanja.
Proveli su me kroz školui pokazali moderne učionice od kojih je svaka opremljena wi-fijem, SMART board pločom te 8 modernih laboratorija, predivnom udobnom zbornicom i učiteljskom kantinom. Upoznala sam mnogo dragih učenika i učitelja te su me zamolili da prisustvujem i nastavi engleskog jezika gdje će mi portugalski učenici postavljati pitanja o mojoj zemlji, gradu, školi i učenicima.
Nakon toga smo imali sastanak kako bismo prošli kroz raspored ovog tjedna i pripremama za sutrašnju nastavu u učionici i laboratoriju.
10:45 h
WELCOMING at School’s Library Almeida Garrett
Invitation for 11ºB, 10ºD and 9ºB students
Reception with Headmaster
Meet the teachers team coordination the job shadowing
Presentation of the job shadowing programme
Students presentation about Portugal, Azores and city of Angra do Heroísmo
Presentation of Croatia by our guest teacher to the students
Opening of library books exhibition about Astronomy
School tour
Welcoming lunch
Meeting for planning classes:
Electromagnetic spectrum
Laboratory classes