DAY 4 - 12. 10. 2017.

  • Motivational photos of the day.... vulcanic rocks... :)


    Today was a very busy school day. I attended a lecture, laboratory work and evaluation in the morning and another lesson and lab work in the afternoon...

    This morning I attended a lecture by the professor Maria that was a sequel to the one a saw on monday "EM spectrum". During the first class students repeated the knowledge they gained on Monday: types of EM spectrum, emission and apsorbsion.... The students listened very carefully to all the instructions given by the teacher and asked clever questions in order to finish their laboratory work sucessfully. After 45 minutes we attended laboratory work "CSI in the Lab". This laboratory work is intercurricular physics/chemistry work. During their assignement the students analyzed 6 samples with the help of teacher Maria. Looking through a spectroscope they wanted different types of spectrum and tried to identify the element in question.

    After joined assignement the students were divided into groups by 3 and they were asked to identify, using the spectroscope, 3 unknown samples prepared by the teacher.

    After aproximately 60 minutes(you cannot tell since there is no bell or clocks on the wall in school - I love it - which is amazing cause no one is looking at the time or is stressed about the end of the lesson) we finished laboratory work, we left the laboratory for a 30min evaluation of the knowledge about the EM spectrum and lab work.

    After every academic year the students have standardized tests that include laboratory work so this class has 7 mandotory laboratory exercizes in their books.

    Ujutro sam prisustvovala uvodnom predavanju profesorice Maria koje se nadovezalo na predavanje od ponedjeljka. Tijekom prvog sata učenici ponovili vrste EM spektara, poslušali pristojno upute te postavili nekoliko vrlo pametnih pitanja da bi bolje mogli poslije riješiti vježbe u laboratoriju. Nakon 45 minuta krenuli smo na laboratorijsku vježbu "CSI in the lab".  Vježba je međukurikularni sat fizike i kemije. Tijekom laboratorijske vježbe učenici su prvo vođeni profesoricom analizirali 6 uzoraka. Gledajući kroz spektroskop promatrali su emisjski/apsorpcijski spektar elementa te zapisali  karakteristike svakog.

    Nakon zajedničke vježbe učenici su podijeljeni u skupine po 3 učenika te su samostalno pokušali pomoću spektrometra prepoznati 3 nepoznata elementa čije uzorke im je priredila profesorica Maria.

    Nakon završenog laboratorijskog dijela od nekih 60minuta (škola nema zvona pa je teško procijeniti :) )učenici (i ja) imali su evaluaciju do sada naučenog i primjenjenog znanja na laboratorije vezanog uz EM spektre.

    Nakon svake akademske godine učenici imaju standardizirane testove u koje je uključen i rad u laboratoriju te ovi učenici imaju 7 obveznih laboratorijskih vježbi u svom udžbeniku.

    The afternoon classes I attended were theory and laboratory work in the 7th grade with teacher Helena Pereira - astrognosy and making/using the planisphere. It was soo interesting and I love astronomy.

    Poslijepodne sam sudjelovala na satu profesorice Helene Pereira koja je odrađivala laboratorijske vježbe sa sedmim razredima vezane uz astrognoziju i izradu planisfere. Bilo je jako zanimljivo.

    At 17:00 after I returned from shool we went on an adventure around the island. Unfortunately there is a tropical storm /hurricane Ophelia approaching the islands and should arrive in two days. That is why the weather is changeble, or it's normal here... :) 

    We went driving to a little town called Santa Barbara  and above the town there is a former vulcano and the highest point of the island called Serra de Santa Barbara. Unfortunately the clouds were so thick that we didn't get the chance to climb to the top. Along the road we met, our now old friends, the cows. On this island there are probably more cows than inhabitants.

    U 17.00 kada sam se vratila iz škole krenuli smo na avanturu po otoku. Nažalost sprema se tropska oluja, uragan Ofelija koji se približava otoku te bi ga trebao pogoditi za dva dana i zbog toga je vrijeme oblačno i vjetrovito.

    Krenuli smo obalnom cestom prema gradiću Santa Barbara te iznad gradića prema ugaslom vulkanu i najvišoj točci otoka Serra de Santa Barbara. Nažalost oblaci su se već spustili te se nismo uspjeli popeti do samog vrha. Usput smo sreli naše prijatelje kravice, kojih na ovom otoku ima više nego stanovnika :).

    Because of the weather we decided to visit the only shop Quinta dos Azores with genuine domestic products and the amazing tasty ice-cream of the same name. Azores are known for quailty milk (probobly cause of all the cute free cows running around), meat, sea food, special cakes and cookies.   We decided to have ice-cream and buy cakes and souveniers to bring home.

    Zbog vremena smo se onda odlučili posjetit jedinu trgovinu na otoku s domaćim prozvodima i prefinim domaćim sladoledima Quinta dos Azores. Azor su pozati po kavlitetnom mlijeku (zbog slobodnih kravica koje posvuda trče), mesu, morskim plodovima i delikatesama (kolači i keksi). Odlučili smo se za sladoled i kolače kao suvenire za ponijeti u Hrvatsku.

    PS: sutra će biti odličan dan (so happy).... idemo sa školom u pravi pravcati vulkan na 90 m dubine - jedini u svijetu koji se može ući... jedva čekam :)

    PS: Tomorrow is gonna be an amazing day (so happy)... we are going visit a real vulcano on 90m of depth - the only one in the world you can enter so deep... cannot wait :)