DAY 5 - DAN 5

  • Petak, 13. 10. 2017.

    5. dan tečaja “Digitalni alati za učenike s posebnim potrebama”

    Nastavili smo s edukacijom o teorijskoj pozadini glavnog alata “PaINTeraction”.

    Demonstrirane su mogućnosti “software”-a u vježbanju pažnje učenika kojima je dijagnosticiran  poremećaj pažnje. Promatranjem svjetlećih fluidnih tragova na ekranu koji nastaju detektiranjem pokret tijela ili dijelova tijela, isključuje se okolina kao distraktor. Isto tako, “software” omogućuje traženje najboljeg senzornog kanala za komuniciranje s autističnom djecom: slikom, zvukom i/ili dodirom.

    Na kraju edukacije predstavila sam svoj rad s darovitim učenicima. Zanimljivo je da u talijanskim školama uglavnom ne postoji program rada s darovitima. Polaznici edukacije su bili vrlo zainteresirani za predstavljanje kineskoga množenja koje ih je inspiriralo za primjenu u radu s djecom s diskalkulijom.

    Na kraju dana prisustvovala sam terapiji devetogodišnjeg dječaka s poremećajem pažnje I izraženim agresivnim ponašanjem prema roditeljima i drugim osobama zbog čega će uskoro dobiti asistenta u školi. Korištena je tehnika oblikovanja mase u ograđenom okviru, a potom “PaINTeraction”.


    Friday 13/10/2017

    5th day of course „Digital Tools for Students with Special Needs“

    Today's education was about theoretical background of the main digital tool „ PAINTeraction“. Different possibilities of the software were shown, which help to increase attention of the pupils with the attention disorder. The software produces the fluorescent fluid tracks on the screen so that, while watching the movements on the screen, the whole environment is excluded. This software also helps to find the best way to communicate with the autistic children: with the picture, sound or touch.

    At the end I have delivered the presentation about my work with gifted children. It is interesting fact that Italian schools don't have programs like that included in their official activities. The course participants found especially interesting my presentation of Chinese way of multiplying numbers. It inspired them so they will use this idea in their work with children who have dyscalculia.

    At the end of day I have attended the therapy session of a 9 year old boy who has attention disorder and aggressive behaviour, which is the main reason why he is going to get an assistant in his school soon. The technique which has been used is the mass shaping and PaINTeraction.