• Dissemination video:

    During teacher meeting in our school, 06. 07. 2018. headmaster Miroslav Klobučar presented his Job Shadowing in Prilep, Macedonia and showed us what he has learned. He has also presented Macedonian education system and organizational tips from the Macedonian school. He hels around 8 IKT workshops on how to use clouds, Office 365 and many more organizational IKT tips he has learned.

    Teacher Tatjana Pešić Ilijaš presented what she has learned about “Video making in the classroom” during her course in Italy.

    Danijela Takač presented this project and her job shadowing experience during 3 workshops:
    First one was in the city Rijeka for educational advisors  AZOO on  29.06. 2018. He second and third workshop for AZOO and ASOO was held in Zagreb on 04.07.2018.

    Our psychologist Vesna Rak, published two articles about her experience on the course and what she has learned and applied, in Školske novine and on the educational portal www.škole.hr 


    Coordinator Danijela Takač presented the projects KA101 "Creativity LABs" i KA219 "Full STEAM Ahead" along with our 1st one "Pollution! Find a STEM solution" on Z1 TV in the show “Dobro jutro Zagreb!”.

    Headmister Miroslav Klobučar presented his report from his course in Italy on “Making an e-learning platform and a webpage” and teacher Željka Frančić presented activities from her drama workshop in Greece.

    English teacher Marina Moćan wrote an article for the teachers of English language "Teacher training course on my professional bucket list “that was published in the HUPE Newsletter (No.17/December, 2017)

    Teacher Željka Frančić wrote about her experience, goals and activities on the educational  portal Profil-Klett: https://www.profil-klett.hr/individualno-usavrsavanje-u-pireju-u-sklopu-erasmus-projekta-creativity-labs-os-pantovcak-13

    11.12.2017. On the show “Umijeće odrastanja” teachers M.Moćan and D. Takač along with the school psychologist V. Rak presented the projects Erasmus + KA101 Creativity LABs i KA219 Full STEAM Ahead.

    YOU CAN LISTEN ON THIS LINK: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/42563/pages/page/270799

    7.12. i 8.12. Danijela Takač presented the projects KA101 Creativity LABs i KA219 Full STEAM ahead to 30 teachers on a meeting in Krapinsko Zagorska region during theErasmus + part of the workshop "Innovativni pristupi nastavi" in Energetski centar Bračak.

    5.12. Danijela Takač presented the projects KA101 Creativity LABs i KA219 Full STEAM ahead to 30 teachers on a meeting in Krapinsko Zagorska region during the Erasmus + part of the workshop "Innovativni pristupi nastavi" in OŠ Marija Bistrica.

    1.12. we gave interviews to 2 radio shows: “Stigla je pošta” at 11:40 and 19:30 on Hrvatski radio.

    LINK: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/42563/pages/page/270799

    30.11. i 1.12. Danijela Takač presented the projects KA101 Creativity LABs i KA219 Full STEAM ahead to 30 teachers on a meeting in Krapinsko Zagorska region during the Erasmus + part of the workshop "Innovativni pristupi nastavi" in OŠ S.Radića, Brestovec Orehovički.

    13. 11.2017, on the teacher meeting Marina Moćan, Danijela Takač and Vesna Rak disseminated what they have learned. They described the courses they attended, activities they participated in and how they can be applicable in our school.

    Along with all we have written here as an Erasmus+ ambassador school we have held many, many advisory meetings with different schools, on the phone, e-mail and personally with colleagues from other schools where we presented our project.

    Also we held a number of eTwinning workshops in school.

    Danijela Takac also disseminated the project and other school projects during her stay on job shadowing to Anabela Tristao from Thomas Borba school in Portugal and that school asked to be our partner in our next KA229. Now we have developed a new cooperation with this school and started a new KA229.