Today's motivating photo.... Panorama of the city Angra do Heroismo... <3
Today was a very busy day...and to ease things up I can divide it into 3 parts:
In the morning I visited a small part of the city as well as the amazing botanical gardens. Some of it magic you can see on the following photos..cause photo is worth a thousand words. You can see many different kinds of plants as well as borrow a book and read in the shades of the palms.
Ujutro sam posjetila jedan manji dio grada i botaničke vrtove. Čarobni su, ali bolje da malen dio njihove čarolije pogledate na slikama, jer ne kaže se bez razloga:"Slika vrijedi tisuću rijeći". Uz mnoštvo različitih vrsta biljaka iz cijelog svijeta možete pronaći predivnu drvenu kućicu (na slici) punu knjiga koje možete posuditi i pročitati u hladu obližnjih palmi.
Today I had a privlege to attend 7th grade physics classes and I had a chance to browse through the textbook. THE FIRST 86 pages of the textbook are about Astronomy!!!! The students learn about the Solar system, characteristics of the planets, distances in the Solar system, the Big bang, stars and constellations, the night sky and than they move on to gravity....woooow...there is no better way to introduce physics to students.
We used planisphere to repeat what students have learned about the night sky.
We learned about the agencies that explore our Solar system and Universe(NASA and ESA), their missions and the first humans in Space.
Today the students were introduced to comets, asteroids and other small bodies of the Universe. Comets were explained using the connection to the ESA's Rosetta mission. Professor Helene Pereira led the class perfectly using different methods: group and individual work, ICT, PBL, presentation, active listening and exploration. In the end students had a task to fill a worksheet after seeing the ESA movie about Rosetta mission.
I am still overwhelmed and cannot believe there is so much astronomy in the portuguese textbooks. I cannot believe there is so little astronomy in Croatian's a shame :(
Danas sam prisustvovala satima fizike u 7. razredu. Imala sam prilike prelistati udžbenik i PRVIH 86 stranica udžbenika je ASTRONOMIJA!!! Učenici uče o Sunčevu sustavu, karakteristikama planeta, udaljenostima u Sunčevu sustavu, Velikom prasku, zvijezdama i zviježđima, snalaženju na noćnom nebu te poslije prelaze na gravitaciju....wooow...nema ljepšeg načina za uvođenje fizike.
Koristili smo planisferu za ponavljanje snalaženja na noćnom nebu, učili o agencijama koje istražuju Svemir(NASA i ESA) te misijama, te prvim ljudima u Svemiru.
Danas su učenici učili o kometima, asteroidima i ostalim malim tijelima Sunčeva sustava. Komete smo obrađivali uz povezivanje s misijom Rosetta Europske Svemirske Agencije. Profesorica Helena Pereira savršeno je vodila sat koristeći metode grupnog i individualnog rada, ICT u nastavi, PBL, prezentacije, aktivnog slušanja te istraživačkog rada. Učenici su na kraju imali zadatak nakon pregleda ESA filmića o Rosetta misiji ispuniti radni listić.
Ja još uvijek ne mogu vjerovati da toliko astronomije se nalazi u knjigama za fiziku i kemiju. Nevjerovatnooo!!! Usput me te toliko rastužuje jer je u našim knjigama astronomija gotovo pa nezamjetna.
3. Visit to the school THOMAS BORBA.
I was fortunate enough in the afternoon to have some time to meet my friend Anabela Tristão Santos I who is working in a small sub school from this centra school. Anabela is an eTwinning ambassador from the Azores and we have previously met in Šibenik on a teacher training. This school has a kindergarten, primary school and high school in one so students from the age of 3 till they are 18 years old attend this school. It's a very big school with a swimming pool, gym, ballet studio, music school and much much more. Anabela took me on a walk through the school.
Poslijepodne sam srećom imala vremena da se najđem na kavi s kolegicom Anabelom Tristao Santos, eTwinning ambasadoricom s Azora koju sam upoznala na jednom stručnom usavršavanju u Šibeniku. Povela me u razgled centralne škole u kojoj ona radi. Škola je potpuno nova, ima u sebi vrtić te osnovnu i srednju školu, tako da je učenici pohađaju od svoje 3. do 18. godine. Škola u sebi ima bazen, veliko igralište, dvoranu, baletni studio, glazbenu školu i još mnogo, mnogo toga. Anabela me upoznala s ravnateljem i provela po školi.
Teachers and students lounge is very big and comfotable, as well as the library.
Kantina za učenike i zbornica su dvije od najvećih prostorija u školi, kao i ugodna knjižnica.
There is a lift in the moddle of the school and a quote to inspire the teachers and students and make us except our differences.
U središtu škole nalazi se veliki lift, te su po školi ispisani citati raznih pjesnika i književnika o našim različitostima i prihvaćanju istih.
The school has new laboratory classrooms and new ICT room filled with iMac apple computers. A normal classroom looks like the above photo on the right.
Škola ima novoopremljene laboratorije i nove informatičke učionice ispunjene iMac računalima. Uobčajene učionice izgledaju poput gornje desne fotografije. Svaki učenik ima svoj stol.
After we had a tour through the central object or the central school we visited Anabela's little subschool in the suburb of Angra do Heroismo. Her school has a gym and 4 teachers that work there. It's a beautiful little school for students 1st to 4th grade. Anabela teaches mixed classes 1st and 4th grade. Each classroom has a projector and a SMART board.
Nakon razgleda centralnog objekta škole posjetili smo i Anabelinu malenu područnu školu u progradskom naselju. Njena škola ima svoju dvoranu te u njoj rade 4 učitelja. Područna škola je jako lijepa te Anabela predaje kombiniranom razredu 8 prvaša i 8 četvrtaša. Sve, baš sve učionice u svim školama imaju SMART board i projektor.
GOOD NIGHT.... :).... Laku noć :)