2016-2017 A little example how a "HAPPY FAMILY"game could look like. Print it on the "ECO-ACTIVE" page and play it. Enjoy it. Just plasticizing and play.
How to create a board game. It is a WORD-file, you can change everything if you like!!
Loes, Loïs, Lynn and Isa created a nice memory game. Just take a look. Print it by yourself! No problem. And, if you like to change pictures and rules, just do it. Or add some other pictures too. The pictures The rules Pupils play the game
The Eco-active board game. The board and the rules how to play. The board The rules
2017-2018 10 Happy families: print, laminating and play. Have fun!!!
And here the "WORD-version". Add things if you like!
All the content of the game. in PDF and WORD, so you cab change, add or whayever!
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 1 . 2. 3. 4 . 5 .
6. 7.
1. The frontpage 2. Intro and how to play 3. The cards 4. Back of the cards 5. The buildings 6. Solar panels and windmills 7. Financial overview
A short quiz about ENERGY!
You can use PPT or PDF. Enjoy it.