In English

  • 1. This eTwinning project is connected to the Erasmusplus project “ECO-ACTIVE” (2016-2019). In this project 5 schools are working together:

    1.1. Italy: 2 Circolo Didattico Cavour Marsala
    1.2. Latvia: Annas Brigaderes pamatskola
    1.3. The Netherlands: Primary school De Weijerwereld.
    1.4. Poland: Szkola Podstawowa Nr 2 im. K.K.Baczynskiego w Pulawach
    1.5. Slovenia: Osnovna sola Toneta Pavcka

    2.     All presentations and results, created by the pupils, will be presented in the twinspace of this project.

    3. The twinspace, the project logbook and the live events will be used for communication.

    The pupils of the schools in the partnership will, during the next three years,  work on:
    Project items:
    1. Project logo
    2. Resources: Three R's: use Re-use Reduce Recycle
    3. Econotebook (school as well as home): consumption of water, energy, fuel/gas
    4. Reduce consumption of water and energy, reduce production of waste.
    5. Health: I know what I eat.

    Besides this pupils will create presentations about school and place where they live.