The Netherlands

  • The cover page for the Dutch Home Eco notebook:

    Survey school year 2016-2017 May 2017

    We divided 55 survey forms among the pupils of form 7 and 8. We received back 49 forms in which answers were filled in.


    Underline the correct answer.

    1. Did you take part in lessons on ecology? YES  49 NO 0

    2. Did you take part in school trips connected to ecology? YES 49  NO 0

    3. Did you collect wastepaper at school? YES 49 NO 0

    4. Did you take part in eco-friendly activities/actions organised by school? YES 49  NO 0

    5. Tick (X) the activities you took part in:

    The project Eco-Active Logo contest


    Eco fashion show


    A comptetition for eco-games (boardgames, interactive etc.)


    Creating eco presentation


    Eco trips


    Eco workshops


    Eco happening


    Meetings with interesting people from your region(ecologists)


    Watching films concerning eco issues


    Eco-week organised by your school


    Other (enumerate them):

    Song „Eco-active”, News „Eco-active”, Rap „Eco-active”



















    Who did you engaged into wastepaper collection?

    We just collected the waste paper which was used in school. In our city Boxmeer the waste paper is collected regular by the football. People can bring wasted paper to a special place where the club it collect. The club becomes the money, not the people who bring the paper.
    Concerning collecting things as glass, plastic and iron: plastic is collected by the local community, glass can be brought in special containers everywhere in the city.


    We divided 55 survey forms among the pupils of form 7 and 8. We received back 49 forms in which answers were filled in. Not all the forms were filled in complete. Concerning the amount of used electricity, water and gas and car fuel almost all the families considered this as “private” and did not answer this questions.

    How much electricity did you use in your household from 01.09.2016 to 20.05.2017?

    The usage in kilowatt-hours

    From 55 pupils just 5 families filled in this question. For all the others it was private.

    How much water did you use in your household from 01.09.2016 to 20.05.2017?

    The usage in m3

    From 55 pupils just 5 families filled in this question. For all the others it was private.

    How much gas did you use in your household from 01.09.2016 to 20.05.2017?

    The usage in m3

    From 55 pupils just 5 families filled in this question. For all the others it was private.

    How much car fuel did you use from 01.09.2016 to 20.05.2017?


    The usage in litres


    2 persons filled in.
    The rest: private

    Diesel fuel

    2 persons filled in.
    The rest: private


    2 persons filled in.
    The rest: private

    Do you use any other means of transportation to save money and environment?

    • Public transport  5

    • Bike:  28
    • Walk: 16
    • Other (enumerate them) 0


    Did you segregate rubbish from 01.09.2016 to 20.05.2017?

    YES 21                                    NO                          We’ve segreagated before 22

    What kind of heating do you use in your household?

    1. Coal  2
    2. Gas  29
    3. Wood  4
    4. Heating oil  0
    5. Central heating (from the city) N.A

      Have you introduced energy-saving or ecological forms of heating in your household such as a new ecological stove, ecological fuel, geothermal energy from 1 September 2016. Until May 20, 2017?(Underline the correct answer)

    YES     5, Solar energy  NO 23

    Do you think that filling of econotebooksillustrated the amount of resources used and the costs incurred?

    YES     5                      NO      15                               I DON’T KNOW 7

    Is the analysis of data from econotebooks a motivation for further saving?

    YES     8                      NO      10                               I DON’T KNOW 10


    The document "Survey May 2017"


    Overview average consumption water-electricity-gas per person used by parents and childern of "De Weijerwereld" in Boxmeer