ST3.5 Managing budget

  • Portugal

    Students plan and orgnize a "Participatory Budget" in Póvoa de Lanhoso Secondary School. For this students start to make a study about the environmental / consumption problems in Secondary School:



    Rules to present proposal to spend money in school management:

    Participatory Budget in Póvoa de Lanhoso Secondary School (2016)

    ENERGY Proposal A-->  Proposal B -->
    WATER Proposal C--> Proposal D -->  Proposal E-->
    WASTE Proposal F-->  Proposal G --> 
    OTHERS Proposal H--> Proposal I -->  Proposal J-->















    Vote na sua proposta preferida [AQUI]

    NOTA: Se diferentes elementos estiverem a submeter a sua votação a partir do mesmo computador terão, em cada votação, de fechar esta janela e voltar a abri-la para poderm clicar de novo no botão intitulado "AQUI".

    Cada participante deve colocar, no site de votação, o seu nome.

    The 3 more voted proposal was implemented:



    After the Participatory Budget -->  



    Turkey prepared a conference about budget management and presented it in Hungary,May 2017. Here you can find the pdf of the presentation.



    We elaborated a poster about what we use to buy to study what we are doing right and what wrong