
    Tamási Béri Balogh Ádám Katolikus Gimnázium, Kollégium és Óvoda,

    Tamási, HUNGARY

    Bezerédj u. 1.

    Who we are


    Varga-Pintér Katalin (coordinator)

    Brettner Éva

    Fegyveresi Anikó

    Lendvai Katalin

    Matics Edina

    Headmaster: Pécsi Gábor

    Vice-headmistress: Fegyveresi Anikó

    Students: primary school students and secondary school students 

    School website: www.beri-tamasi.sulinet.hu

    This is a photo of the Hungarian participating students

    The presentation of our project

    Our ESC Erasmus+ flag