Scientix and the European Commission offered us a stand for the project on the occasion of the 3rd Scientix conference which will take place in Brussels, from the 4th to the 6th of May 2018.
But what is Scientix? Scientix is a project born at the initiative of the European Commission to collect and present European STEM education projects and their results, and organise teacher workshops and has, since its inception, been coordinated by European Schoolnet. Scientix promotes and supports a Europe-wide collaboration among STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) teachers, education researchers, policymakers and other STEM education professionals, which are the main stakeholders of Scientix and can benefit from Scientix activities and events.
If you want to learn more go to the Scientix platform or contact the eHAND coordinator Franca Sormani, who is a Scientix Ambassador
So we are very proud to be chosen for this important scientific event, which takes place every 4 years. Franca and Christos represented the eHAND Project in Brussel, but all the schools collaborated on the preparation of posters, fleyers and materials for the stand.
Our posters
The fleyer
The video
And finally our stand
The programme was very interesting, with enlightening and inspiring contributions, such as the keynote speechs of Svein Sjøberg and Beth Healey.
You can download the programme
Svein Sjøberg visited our stand and we had a fruitful discussion about STEM education and our project too.
On Saturday we introduced our project during the plenary session.
Our presentation
Many people, colleagues and researchers came and visited our stand, showing interest in our project and our activities.
We visited other stands too, the poster exhibition and partecipated in some workshops.
Franca was also invited as speaker to the Round Table 'How to make research results more accessible to teachers', so she had the opportunity to discuss this important topic with Bertrand Pajot,France, Piotr Stankiewicz, Institute of Geophyscs Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland, Dragos Tataru, National Institute for Earth Physics, Romania
In this round table,moderated by Yves Beernaert (EDUCONSULT, Belgium), participants addressed the following question: How to support the exchange between research institutions and schools? What are existing initiatives that aim to introduce Citizen Science initiatives in schools? What are the steps in order to engage schools and researchers into joint initiatives?