Kuhamo/Cuciniamo (OŠ - SE Gelsi)

  • Još malo recepata, ovaj put na engleskom i francuskom jeziku. Učenici su istraživali recepte s murvom, zapisivali ih na materinjem hrvatskom i materinjem talijanskom jeziku pa tijekom nastave engleskog jezika i francuskog jezika prevodili.

    White mulberry granita



    500 g white mulberries

    about 100 g water

    350 g sugar

    1 lemon



    Wash the mulberries delicately under running water and then put them to drain in a colander

    Put the mulberries in a sieve, squeeze the juice of half a lemon to not blacken the pulp and then press the pulp through the sieve

    Pour all the sugar into a saucepan and cover it with water and the remaining lemon juice. The sugar needs to be completely submerged in water so, if necessary, put a few more spoons of water in it. Light the heat to a minimum and slowly melt all the sugar until it becomes a thick syrup. Boil it, then turn it off and let it cool down by stirring.

    Put everything in a container with a lid in the freezer and stir every half an hour or so, for about 3-4 times (depends on the how fast the freezer freezes) or until it has thickened completely.

    At this point you can leave the mulberry granita in the freezer until you are ready to taste it!

    Original recipe written by Mihael Miletić, 6th grade

    Translated by Rene Vujčić, 8th grade



    Black mulberry flavoured ice cream


    This is my recipe for black mulberry ice cream.  It’s very simple and tasty.


    The first step is to pick some black mulberries from the tree, then read the list of ingredients and follow the instructions. I’m sure your ice crem will be delicious!



    250 g of fresh milk

    250 g of fresh yoghurt

    4 tablespoons of sugar (you can add more if you want to)

    300 g of black mulberries – remember to keep a few whole ones for decoration

    1 tablespoon of lemon juice

    Vanilla extract



    Pour the milk, the sugar and the fresh yoghurt in a bowl

    Cook on low heat, so the sugar can melt. Be careful! Don’t let it boil.

    Let the milk cool in the fridge. If you want to save time, you can prepare the milk a few hours before.

    Once the milk is ready, you need to take care of the mulberries. It’s important to use gloves!

    Give them a quick wash under running water and then, with a paper towel, wipe off the excess water, remove the peduncles from the fruit and finally blend them in a blender until they're like a puree.

    Get the milk from the fridge, add the mulberry puree, a tablespoon of lemon juice and the vanilla extract. Mix well and put it in the ice cream maker to freeze.

    Usually, it takes about half an hour, you need to get that nice creamy texture ice cream.

    When ready, put some in a small bowl, decorate it with some fresh black mulberries and enjoy!

    Original recipe written by Gianni Modrić, 6th grade

    Translated by Lada Bilić, 8th grade



    Le jus de mûres

    Noa Medved, VI cl.

    Traduction: Katarina Matijević, VIII cl.


    Pour faire du jus de mûres, on a besoin de:

    • 5 kg de fruits mûrs de mûrier

    • 1 kg de sucre

    • 2 sachets de sucre vanillé



    Après avoir soigneusement lavé les fruits, faites-les tremper pendant 5 minutes dans de l'eau chaude, puis encore 5 minutes dans de l'eau froide. Pressez les fruits ramollis et rafraîchis avec un morceau de lin ou un tamis avec de très petits trous pour extraire uniquement le jus du fruit et ajoutez le sucre. Cuire à feu moyen en remuant constamment. Lorsque le jus a épaissi, laissez-le refroidir. Quand il refroidit, vous pouvez remplir les bouteilles.

  • Ricette

    Il succo di gelsi

    Učenici 6. a razreda istraživali su murvu i recepte s murvom te prema prikupljenim materijalima izradili prezentacije.

    Ovdje prilažem jedan recept, a prezentacije možete pogledati pod Materijali/Osnovna škola - Scuola elementare Gelsi/Datoteke.

    Il succo di gelsi

    Per fare il succo di gelsi ci servono :

    5 kg di frutti maturi di gelso

    1 kg di zucchero

    2 bustine di zucchero vanigliato


    Dopo aver lavato con attenzione i frutti, metterli in ammollo per 5 minuti in acqua calda e poi altri 5 minuti in acqua fredda. Spremere la frutta ammorbidita e rinfrescata con un pezzo di lino o un setaccio con buchi molto piccoli per estrarre solo il succo del frutto e aggiungere lo zucchero.

    Cuocere a fuoco medio, mescolando continuamente. Quando il succo si sarà addensato, lasciarlo raffreddare. Quando si raffredda potete riempire le bottiglie.

    Noa Medved, VI cl.

    Ricette - 2
    Ricette - 3 - gelato/sladoled
    Ricette - 4 - succo/sok