We have already formed an efficient and highly professional team through an active and engaging communication between the coordinators and other teachers , who have enormous experience and expertise in European projects, online cooperation/moderation or project management skills. The national coordinators of the partner schools have experience in European projects, except for the partner from Spain, who are newcomers. Furthermore, the local teams will involve management staff with expertise in cooperating with local/regional institutions, English teachers with experience in international cooperation and communication, ICT teachers with expertise and experience in web tools and other teachers of general education subjects or vocational subjects. The tasks and responsibilities among the partner schools were divided bearing in mind the expertise and special charecteristics of each national team, which means that all the planned activities will be successfully completed.
Besides the experience and expertise of national coordinators and involved staff profile, and the process of integration of European integration of school from Spain, we have made an achievable timetable of tasks and communication, project management, implementation, evaluation and dissemination strategies that have been negotiated and agreed on with all the partners involved. The transnational meetings at the beginning of every year will play a key role to elaborate on these strategies and plan every project year in detail.
The quality criteria for all the project activities and results in two project years have beem discussed during the application process, and will be discussed and agreed further on during the two transnational meetings and online meetings. The expected results can be achieved with some precautionary measures taken into consideration to guarantee the quality of the project's activities and results:
- the coordinators will form a group of teachers in their own schools motivated to participate and taking into consideration the project objectives along with the competences required
- the coordinators of each school are in charge of monitoring the quality of local activities in their schools
- the tasks will be distributed fairly among the participating teachers of the local teams according to their competences
- the national coordinators of each team are responsible for organising monthly staff meeings to check the list of tasks, priorities and quality criteria for the achievement of the tasks with other involved teachers
- the teachers involved in Erasmus+ Clubs will organize weekly meetings with the students to coordinate the tasks which they will monitor and mediate the students' tasks
- the coordinator of each school will create the list of weekly/monthly tasks, tracing the progress and evaluating the degree of achievement
- weekly/monthly checklists or"to do" lists guarantee the successful completion of each activity on time
- if deadlines are not respected the project coordinator will discuss the delay with the partners and find the most suitable solution
- there will be enough time for each activity to be completed, and in case some tasks need to be improved because the results do not mstch the quality criteria we will have plenty of time to improve it
- the students will fill in two questionnaire, one before the meeting to see what the participants expectations are, and one after the meeting to evaluate the success of the meeting
- before each L/T/T activity and transnational meeting, the host school will prepare detailed list of tasks
- each coordinator will check the final results before materials and results are published.