Dissemination will be carried out using the eTwinning platform, the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform, the project web site and other social media sites created for our project, frequent editions of newsletters in electronic format, organizing Open Days, celebrating Erasmus Days, Europe Day and hosting exhibitions in schools and online, mass media/press coverage in the local media (television, radio, internet, local papers), brochures and flyers related to the project. We will disseminate the project to different target groups, but our primary target groups are our students, their parents and tutors, teachers and school staff, and wider community as we want to leave a more permanent mark on our town and cities, the local and regional communities, and improve our students' digital skills and competence by provide a high level of involvement in the process of learning, and disseminate our results inside and outside our organisations. We will share our digital materials within other schools and institutions.
At the local and regional level, target groups of our dissemination activities are all the teachers and students of the partner schools, participating students' parents and families, other schools at the local, regional and national level, as we plan to organize workshops in other schools and disseminate our work and examples of good practices to other teachers, secondary schools' communities with particular focus on teachers and educators working with students in secondary education and students themselves, parents’ associations connected to the schools and taking part in the school activities and local authorities and institutions, teacher educators, trainers, professional teachers’ associations, educators from NGOs and members of all educational community.
At European level, we will do the same through eTwinning extending the network of contacts in Europe. E-Twinning will be used to show the project ideas and results to the public and share experiences among schools during the project and after the end of the project as well as our website and social media sites. Through these means, the results of the project can be reached to a large number of people and can be delivered to the interested parties at the international level and be a source of inspiration for such projects.
The objective of our dissemination activities is to make our project known to the wider community and make it sustainable by sharing created material with aimed target groups in education at all levels. Through different social media sites the results of the project can reached a large number of people and will be able to be delivered to the interested parties at the international level and meet our sustainability goals.
Activities to carry out in order to share the results of the project beyond partnership?
LTT activities will be the focal point of the project as they will enable activity-based learning and create a permanent cooperation among teachers and students, and will contribute to sustainability of the project. After each LTT activity, we will organize workshops we have participated in during these LTT activities for other teachers in our schools at the staff meetings and share the material we have produced so that the other teachers can use them in their everyday work and in their classes. All the activities will be carefully planned and the produced teaching materials will show that our aim is to make the project sustainable and will enable a wider community to benefit from it. We intend to make certain activities before and after LTT meetings and these materials and outcomes will be uploaded on the eTwinning platform and will be available to whoever might be interested. Participating teachers will also give presentations not only at the school level (staff meetings), but also local and regional levels, and demonstrate different workshops among colleagues in their and other schools, which can result in wider sustainability of the project. We intend to organize different workshops from our meetings to various educational associations, such as English language teachers' meeting or Vocational subjects teachers' meetings at regional or national levels, and we intend to organize webinars at national level to share the skills and knolewdge acquired. The duration of the project is 2 years, however, we believe that we will use the project outcomes long after that time and that as modern technologies are constantly changing we will have to acquire new knowledge regularly. This means that we will develop new ideas for future cooperation. The teaching materials will be available on different web sites and education platforms that each country has for sharing examples of good practices, like, for example, Edutorij, a platform for teachers' materials, in Croatia; or Moodle platform at school and regional level in Spain, as well as Seneca, a repository for distance education; or EBA, a Turkish national platform for sharing materials and online lessons, they also use Zoom and Microsoft Teams; in Italy they use G Suite and Redooc, In Portugal the teachers use Zoom, Google Meet and Google Classroom to share the materials, in Bulgaria they use eTwinning.
Another activity where we will share our results will be primary schools while presenting our schools to the future potential students. We will share the project results throughout the project duration, and after that, through eTwinning platform, Erasmus+ Project Results Platform, dedicated project web site, schools' web sites and Facebook pages, project Facebook and Instagram pages, online emagazines and blogs, school boards and exhibitions, Erasmus corner or space at school, organizing Open Days or celebrating certain days like Europe Day on May 9, mass media/press coverage in the local media (radio, internet, local papers), brochures and leaflets. Each partner school will make its own detailed dissemination plan for each year of the project's duration with defined activities taking into consideration how and to whom dissemination and exploitation outcomes will be disseminated. Each partner will plan to hold information sessions, training, workshops, peer reviews. We are all aware that sharing the results and the use of the same results by other potential users is what makes the project valuable and can serve as an example and inspire others by showing what is possible to achieve. All in all, the results achieved will be visible for the educational community and other visitors for years to come and the project participants will be spreading word-of-mouth about this project after it has ended.