
    Evaluation and indicators to measure the quality of the project's results:

    Our main objectives are acquiring new knowledge and skills acquired by our students. If they develop their social and personal skills, increase their confidence and self-esteem, our objectives will be achieved. Based on questionnaires at the beginning and at the end of the project, surveys and evaluation of the project activities before and after each mobility, we will assess if the project's objectives have been met. We will compare the results of the two questionnaires to get feedback on achievement of our project objectives, to assess students' involvement, interest and satisfaction. The analysis of the surveys and evaluation questionnaires will enable us to see how well we have accomplished our goals. Quantity and quality indicators will show the intended impact of the project. The questionnaires will be analysed and discussed by the participating students and teachers, and a summary report will be written by the coordinator. During LTT activities abroad students will have a daily evaluation session with accompanying teachers assessing their interest, relationship with others, satisfaction about working methods, skills improvement. After the mobility they will write a personal blog about their experience, their participation level, the teamwork experience, peer learning, the new skills acquired, the attitude towards other cultures and habits, the personal improvement and their contribution to the project. The students' blogs will be an idicator to assess the quality of learning, training, teaching activities abroad and also the way to disseminate the projects' results and the inclusion level of all participating students. The questionnaires will include questions on participants' interest, involvement level, development opportunities, and satisfaction with their involvment, which will be indicators of the project achievement.
    Indicators of achievement will be:

    - the results and analysis of the survey about the skills acquired after the activities
    - the number of view on our social media sites
    - the blogs views and comments and the quality of the blogs in terms of design and content
    - active use of web tools used to complete the assignments
    - eTwinning Quality labels awarded as all partner schools will apply for
    - the number of visits on the website
    - the content and quality of the online newspapers after the transnational meetings/LTT activities
    - the content and quality of the brochures and videos
    - creating innovative teaching materials and assessment materials used by other teachers
    - active coordination and use of the eTwinning platform
    - teacher training or workshops during the transnational meetings/LTT activities disseminated to their colleagues at local, regional and national level.

    The questionnaire about participants' satisfaction will be considered positive if the majority of participants, that is more than 80%, define a level of their participation and satisfaction in the activities and mobilitites from good to very good. Evaluation of the project's activities will be done by Erasmus+ Club teachers in each school who will discuss the summary report about questionnaire results, personal blogs of students participating in LTT activities, compare expected and achieved results and outcomes. They will prepare a report regarding the success of project objectives and send it to the coordinator who will prepare a final summary.

    Another indicator that will show the project impact is the number of participating students and teachers throughout the project duration. We will invite all interested students and teachers to join our Erasmus+ Clubs. If we manage to motivate more of them to join during the project duration it will be a good feedback information about the quality of the project.
    On the other hand, if the number of participants decreases, it will be the indicator that we have to analyse prospective issues.