Smart payments

  • Group members: Agapi Pintsouk, Anastasia Xaralabidou (GR), Michał Małocha, Kacper Kasprzyk (PL), Tim, Leonora, Kristijan (D)


    We were talking from the eTwinning forum at first but then we made a group chat on instagram to communicate and then we made a lot of conferences on Discord and Zoom.

    It was kind of easy even though we had a lot of technical problems but we made it till the end.

    At first, every member from each team gave some ideas about the project and then some German and Polish students made the presentation .

    We used emaze, which is an application for presentations .

    We all liked that we worked in international groups, it was a new experience and even though we had problems (some days we had a bad connection and some other days not everyone was able to join) but it was still nice and we enjoyed it a lot.

    Smart payment and how it will help all of us, especially elderly people, is a great challenge in our smart city. As we all use money daily, we need smart payment solutions. Find out more in our presentation:

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