Smart houses

  • Group members: Weronika, Julia (PL), Konstantinos, John, Irene (GR), Elea, Arbnora, Rafael, Alina (D)

    In the beginning we were talking in the twinspace (forums). Later, we started communicating from Instagram and we had some meetings in the Webex platform.

    Our group used Instagram to stay in constant touch – a core for quick and effective communication. Other than that, we had meetings on Webex and Google Meet. For the results of our work we used online graphics editor (Canva), and the main tool was obviously Tumblr, where our site was coded and set up. The graphics software Gimp was involved, as well as a pencil and a piece of paper. Materials for the project were sent to me via email, after a brief mention of our plans on the Instagram group.

    It was easy to arrange meetings and on Instagram we had great communication.

    Despite the difficult situation, I think our communication was on high level. Setting a videoconference was harder, because we had some difficulties with networking and sound, but we tried our best and succeeded in the end. Spending most of our time at home really did coerce us to feel the power of the Internet and digital tools in general.


    Not having to go to school and discuss the project face-to-face with other students and teachers opens a path for running away from any commitments, but not in our case. We have decicated ourselves to creating something together.

    The Greek and German group got some ideas for Smart Houses and made some texts for them and then the Polish group made a blog and put them inside and the result was great!

    3 Dec 2020 -14 Jan 2021

    ideas on the Twinspace forum

    14 Jan 2021

    the start of the Instagram group, where most of the messages were sent

    23 Jan 2021

    Google Meet videoconference

    03 Feb 2021

    Webex videoconference

    03 Feb 2021 - 10 March

    communication via email

    We used Tumblr that allows you to make a blog like a web page and we have all of our ideas there.

    I felt great, we had good cooperation and we practised our english in the meetings and everything was great. 

    As the main post on our blog states, we were quick to notice that the digital city of 2040 will feature of many smart solutions that are available just now. We just hope for them to be more evolved and easily accessible. It is elevating how much we could do as a society until now, so how about a smart city in 10-20 years? What makes it special, is envisioning a certain idea as something beyond reach for now, but completely achievable in a few years – maybe even months. It shows the power of technological advance.

    The smart houses are eco-friendly and do not pollute the environment. Moreover, your house is safe from robbers and if a fire starts. Also, it is really convenient. For example,  you can open the door with a face or finger ID without using a key. In addition, smart houses are really helpful for disabled people, because there will be robots that help with the housework and it could be the role of a friend. Read our tumblr blog and find out more.

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    Smart houses