Linking Emotions

  • To create your wheel of emotions you had to use some nouns to name emotions, some adjectives or verbs to express how you feel, some sentences to express what makes you feel like that and some more sentences to express how you show what you are feeling. 

    The emotions on your wheel are the ones considered by psychologist Robert Plutchik as "primary emotions", basic emotions.  But of course, emotions are not so simple, or so "basic", humans are complex, and our emotions can be complex as well. Sometimes, we don't even understand them, we find it difficult to express what or how we feel, or see what other people are feeling. Therefore... we need to go on working on emotions and feelings. Are you ready?


    TASK 1

    Have a look at the following emotions and copy them in your notebook (use the dictionary if you don't recognise some of the words). Remember we are using NOUNS because we are naming emotions

    1-sadness. 2-excitement. 3- relief. 4- shock

    5- embarrasment  6- stress. 7- satisfaction  

    8- euphoria.   9- serenity  10- hatred  


    12- confusion. 13- boredom. 14- surprise  

    15- fear  16- happiness. 17- tenderness 

    18- kindness. 19- melancholy  20- temptation 

    21- concern   22- guilt.  23- delight

    24- affection  25- enthusiasm  26- solitude

    27-anger.  28- admiration. 29- rage  

    30- apprehension


    TASK 2

    Remember we use ADJECTIVES or VERBS to express how we feel. For example:

    1- sadness - I feel sad (adjective)

    28- admiration - I admire (verb)

    So... can you add the adjective or verb you would use to express the emotions on task 1? Do it in your notebook. 


    TASK 3 

    Have you realised that some of the words on task 1 express similar emotions, or emotions that could be linked in one or other way? Have a look at them again and try to add some connections? Explain why you think those emotions can be connected.

    For example, I would say that 21- concern 3- relief 6- stress and 9- Serenity go together because sometimes you are concerned   when there is a problem or a difficult situation that you need to solve > you feel relieved when you find a solution >

    and after all those days feeling stressed, you feel calm again.

    Can you link any other emotions? Do it in your notebook. Don't forget to explain your connection.

    Then use the twinboard below to share some of them and the forum to write some comments on your partners'


    TASK 4:

    Finally, have another look at your partners and in your notebook, use some diagrammes to copy the emotions they have linked. Then try to take a picture and show it below ( materials first, remember)

  • linking emotions


    21- concern 3- relief 6- stress - 9 serenity

    Interesting dictionary

    Have a look at visuwords, it also links words in a nice way

    Federica Bramante Fasano-Italy

    linking emotions task 3

    Chiara Giraudo-italy

    Linking Emotions

    Chiara Filliol

    Linking emotions-Task 3


    TASK 3
    - I feel STRESSED when I have to expose something important for school, then I feel SCARED because you can’t know how things will go, I feel EUPHORIC while I’m doing it and it’s going weel and then I feel RELIEVED and SATISFIED for what I did.
    - When I find out someone died I feel SHOCKED and SAD, after I feel LONELY because that person isn’t her anymore and also ANGRY and FRUSTRATED because I can’t control it
    - When I’m KIND to someone I feel HAPPY and SERENE because I know I’ve helped someone
    - I feel APPRENSIVE when I’m CONCERNED about someone’s health, I also feel more AFFECTIVE


    TASK 3
    If I am TEMPTED by doing something and I end up doing it, then I feel GUILTY or FRUSTRATED because I couldn’t resiste the temptation.
    If something makes me feel SURPRISED, I may feel ENTHUSIASTIC about what happened, and in that case I would be HAPPY.
    When I am APPREHENSIVE about someone, I feel AFRAID that something might happen to them, but if everything is alright , I’m SERENE.
    I’m often SAD because I feel MELANCHONIC, and in those moments I need people to be TENDER and KIND towards me to feel better.


    TASK 3:
    1. When I have an important assignment, I feel concerned and stressed, but then when I
    finished it, I’m happy for the result and serene.
    2. If a friend fears a situation, I’m apprehensive towards his frustration and I help him to
    solve these problems for give him relief.
    3. When I was young, I was very affectionate at the people who loved me and I felt delighted when they gave me some caresses, but now I feel ambarrassed


    1;1-19-26:because they all mean sadness,unhappies...

    2;2-3-7-8-9-16-25:they all represent hapiness,emotion.

    3;6-11-21:represent when you´re worried about something.

    4;4-10-27-29:when you´re angry.

    5;17-18:are similar things.

    6;20-23-24-28:when you have temptation is for somethings that you have affection,admiration and delight.

    7;13-15-22-30: are bad sensations.

    8;11-12-21:when you have doubts.


    1. 2-8-7-9-16-25 Because they're similar feelings of happiness

    2. 3-17-18-21-23-24-28-30 Because these are all positive feelings that you feel for someone else

    3. 4-5-11-14-15-25-27-29 Because these are all feelings that you can't control, you just happen to feel them, they're unexpected

    4. 1-19-22-26 Because are all negative feelings

    5. 6-10-12-13-20-22 Because these are all negative feelings that you feel for someone else

    Sofia Rossi, Italy

    It's STRESSING when you're CONCERNED about something, it's CONFUSIONAL because you don't know what to do and you start being APPREHENSIVE about everything.
    I love being EUPHORIC, I think it's EXCITING; on the other hand I hate being BORED not because I don't like being CALM I only think that the ENTHUSIASM it's funnier.

    Elisabetta Dibra -Italy

    TASK 3:
    -I feel STRESSED when I have to do something really important, if I did well I feel HAPPY and SATISFIED, if I didn't well I get ANGRY and then I feel SAD and FRUSTRATED.
    -When I find out something unexpected I'm SURPRISED (and if it's a good news I feel euphoric) or SHOCKED (if it's a bad news).
    -I feel MELANCHONIC when I miss someone or doing something that I love, then I feel SAD and LONELY.
    -I'm HAPPY and SERENE when people are KIND with me.

    Arianna Masoero

    Linking emotions

    Alice Rizzo

    Task 3
    I feel really SAD and ANGRY when I don’t reach my goals, when I reach them I feel EXCITED,SATISFIED AND SERENE. When I’m in a situation out of my confort zone, i feel CONFUSED and EMBARASSED.

    Marco Caprini

    When I fight with someone earlier I’m ANGRY, when i finish arguing usually I’m quite SAD and MELANCHOLY, sometimes also FRUSTRATED because something during the discussion goes wrong and maybe my idea about the point of the situation change too late. When luckily I resolve with the person I’m EXCITED and HAPPY and all the RAGE disappears.

    Ferroni Milena

    -I feel STRESSED when I have to do an important and difficult thing,so I feel SAD and I'm SCARED of failing too. Then as soon as I do that thing,I feel very EXCITED,SATISFIED of myself and ENTUSIASTIC.
    - I feel HAPPY and SERENE when I go swimming,I go cycling,cook,listen to music and travel. So when I feel SAD,ANGRY,CONFUSED and BORED, I do these things to be RELIEVED,because they make me feel good.
    -I feel GUILTY if I do a bad thing,but I try to control my behaviour,so I rarely feel GUILTY, I ALWAYS feel SERENE.
    -I try to be always KIND and APPREHENSIVE with everybody,and if I can,I help others gladly,because I HATE people who don't help others and always think of themselves.

    Maria Motta

    TASK 3:
    -I feel STRESSED and SCARED of failing when I have to do an important thing,but when I finsh it I feel very HAPPY, SERENE and SATISFIED if the results are good, but I feel very FRUSTRADED when they are not.
    -I feel very EUPHORIC when I stay with a person that I can’t see very often, but then I feel very MELANCHONIC, because I miss that person.
    -I feel very APPREHENSIVE when one of my friend is SAD, so I always try to help him.

    Matilda Manavella

    TASK 3
    -I feel STRESSED when I've got something important to do , such as tests or interrogations , if I fail them I feel SAD and GUILTY while if I succeed I'm HAPPY and SATISFIED.
    -I'm CONCERNED when someone I love is sick but then when they heal I'm RELIEVED.
    -When ,sometimes, I feel very MELANCHOLIC, SAD , SCARED or LONELY my best friend is always so COMPREHENSIVE and KIND with me.


    - I feel stressed and anxious when I have a test or interrogation but when I finish I'm happy and relaxed!
    - I feel sad because I stay all days at home but when I call my parents and friends I'm euphoric and stay immediately better

    Sofia Rossi, Italy
    Giulia Dimonte

    I feel SAD and ANGRY when I don’t reach my goals. I feel very I ADMIRE someone when this person has a beautiful character. I feel CALM and HAPPY when I stay with my family.

    Miguel- Laviana

    1- sadness, tenderness, menlancholy,
    2-excitement, euphuroia, surprise, happines, enthusiasm
    3-relief, satisfaction
    4-shock, confusion,
    5-embarrasament, concern, aprehension
    6-stress, frustration
    7-sernity, admiration, delight
    8-hatred, anger, rage
    9-boredom, temtation
    11-guilt, affection, solicitude


    some of Matilda's connects


    some connections as seen by Milena

    Erika, Laviana (Spain)

    When I BORED, I think about things I could do. Normally, I decide to draw something and I start feeling kinda CALM. But when I´m drawing I like to listen to music, so I put my favourite playlist on Spotify and I start feeling EUPHORIC because I love that songs. When I don´t like how my drawing is going, I feel so FRUSTRATED and then, SAD.


    1-11-12-19-22-26:They are all related because they have a very similar meaning related to sadness.
    2-8-16-25-27-29:They are related to each other because they all express how you feel after doing something.
    3-7-9:They are related because they all have a very similar meaning that you express after doing something well.

    Vanessa Cuetos- Laviana (Spain)

    Linking emotions.
    Task 3

    Chiara Maritano

    TASK 3
    When I have a test, I feel STRESSED. If it's fine then I'm HAPPY and SATISFIED, but if it goes wrong I'm SAD and a little ANGRY
    I feel FRUSTRATED when I don’t reach my goals, but I feel EXCITED and SERENE
    I feel ADMIRE when I see someone doing something extraordinary

    Amir Hadder, Spain
    Yuwairia Izhar. Melilla, Spain
    TASK 2 MOHAMED LAHATA (Melilla-Sapin)
    Mohamed Lahata (Melilla-Spain)

    TASK 1,2,3,4

    Salma - MELILLA
    Amin Cherif El Kadiri (Melilla-Spain)
    Houssam Lahyani (SPAIN) *MELILLA*

    Linking Emotions

    Romaisa Zannati , MELILLA (SPAIN)

    TASK 1, TASK2
    1- Sadness- i feel sad
    2- Excielment – i feel excielment .
    3- Relief- i feel relieved .
    4- Shock- i have been in shock.
    5- Embarrasment-i was embarrased.
    6- Stress- sometimes i feel stressed .
    7- Satisfaction- i am satisfied with my homework.
    8- Euphoria- i am euphoric.
    9- Serenity – i never have moments of serenity.
    10- Hatred-sometimes i feel hatred.
    11- Frustration- i get frustrated when i can’t get something.
    12- Confusion- i was confused with some answers from my homework.
    13- Boredom- i my freetime i get bored.
    14- Surprise- i love being surprise.
    15- Fear-i am afraid of bees.
    16- Happiness-i am happiness.
    17- Kindness-i am kind to all people.
    18- Tenderness- i have tenderness when i pout.
    19- Melancoly-i have melancholic memories.
    20- Temptacion- i am tempted by a ice cream.
    21- Concern-i concern abpout my math test.
    22- Guilt- i don’t like feeling ghuilty.
    23- Delight- this cupcake is delight.
    24- Affection- i feel affected in difficult situations.
    25- Enthusiasm- i am enthusiastic.
    26- Solitud-i don’t like loneliness.
    27- Anger- lately i get angry very often.
    28- Admiration – i admire Blackpink.

    Romaisa Zannati MELILLA (SPAIN)


    Adam El Moumni (Spain,Melilla)
    Kauzar Bousaida MELILLA (SPAIN)

    TASK 1,2,3 AND 4

    Francesca Gozzelino - Italy

    TASK 3
    I’m STRESSED and ANXIUOS when I’m studying for a test or I’m doing a oral test: if I get the desired result I will be HAPPY, if I don’t I will be SAD and DISAPPOINTED.
    I’m HAPPY and GLAD when I meet my friends, especially in this period because I missed them a lot, but when I leave I’m SAD and MELANCHOLY because I will not be able to see them again for some time.
    I’m LOVELY and LUCKY when I spend time with my family, with my mom and with my dad: I love them very much and I like to be in their company, eat together, watch TV together, play cards together.

    Sabir Benaribi(Melilla/Spain)

    Linking Emotions

    Gabriel - Laviana

    1. 2-8-7-9-16-25 ->Because I think they represent adjectives of happiness
    2. 3-17-18-21-23-24-28-30 -> These are all positive feelings that you feel for someone else.

    3. 4-5-11-14-15-25-27-29 -> These are all feelings that you can't control, they're unexpected.

    4. 1-19-22-26 -> They're all negative feelings that we feel when we have a bad time.

    5. 6-10-12-13-20-22 -> Because are negative feelings.