Emotions are everywhere and they are as old as humans. Have you ever realised they are everywhere? Because they are!!!
Without emotions, literature...would be no literature. A writer "feels" and write, characters share their feelings with us, readers, so that we can feel and enjoy (or suffer) what we are reading.
Shakespeare, one of the greatest writers of all times, wrote wonderful books, books full of emotion from beginning to end.
Nowadays, even if we are not writers, we write a lot to keep in touch with our friends, we do it online, using technology, and then... we use emojis to show how or what we feel.
Are you ready to work both on shakespeare and emojis? Use the board below to share your work. This is what you have to do:
First, try to match Shakespeare’s sentences to a more modern version.
1. I can express no kinder sign of love, than this kind kiss. (Henry VI)
2. How much better is it to weep at joy than to joy at weeping. (Much Ado About Nothing)3. The silence often of pure innocence persuades when speaking fails. (Winter’s Tale)
4. I am burn’d up with inflaming wrath. (King John)
5. Present fears are less than horrible imaginings. (Macbeth)
6. The very instant I saw you did my heart fly at your service. (The Tempest)
A ☐ Here is a kiss to show you how much I love you.
B ☐ Don’t worry. There’s nothing to be scared of. It’s all in your imagination.C ☐ I am feeling extremely angry.
D ☐ It’s better to cry from laughing than to laugh at someone else crying.
E ☐ Sometimes it’s better not to say anything.
F ☐ As soon as I saw you I fell in love with you.
Now, try to write Shakespeare’s quotes with emojis!
1. Which emojis say the same thing?
2. Why do people use emojis?
3. Is this always a good idea? Why? Why not?
4. If you could invent a new emoji what would it be? What would it represent? Draw it and copy it on a separate notice below, give it a number but do not say the feeling it is trying to show.Don't forget your name. we will try to guess!!!!
5. and what about writing a message using words and emojis? Copy it below and we will also try to read it!
Shakespeare and emotions.pdf