
  • Dear students, you know assessment is  necessary if we want to know how well or not so well we are doing things and therefore do something to improve. Along the project we will use seveal types of assessment. All of them are very important so please pay attention.

    SELF-EVALUATION: fill in your self-evaluation chart after each activty. Your teachers will provide the evaluation chart 

    CO-EVALUATION: there will be lots of co-evaluation, either to pay attention to your peers' work or when working in teams. your teachers will tell you when and how, as we will use several rubrics and charts.

    PROJECT EVALUATION: remember to keep the timeline of the activities you are doing on the project. Don't forget to add your comments about the activity itself; say if you liked it or not and why. would you suggest any changes? when we finish our project, you will have the chance to tell us.

    TEACHERS' EVALUATION: teachers will also assess your participation. Remember this project incudes what you need to learn so your teachers will see how well you are learning.

  • evaluation rubrics and more
