• To work on this project you will need to use the internet and lots of technology. To do it in a safe way, pay attention to these tips, please:

    • Protect your password. Keep it secret and do not share it with anyone. On the twinspace, your password will protect your work and identity. Learn it by heart and don't tell anyone but your teacher or your parents.
    • Remember you are working on a school activity, so never do anything online that you wouldn't do in class.
    • RESPECT is the word! respect everybody and respect yourself
    • When using the internet for information, please double check if the sourceis a reliable one. Ask your teacher if you have any doubts.
    • When using an image, music or video from the internet, always respect copyright. If it is not "free", mention where you are taking it from.
    • If in doubt, always ask your teachers for help.
    • You can use the forum below for questions about esafety.
    • Always think twice before sharing or uploading something.
    • Be safe and enjoy technology!!!