Our Country, Town and School

  • TASK 1 - National teams

    Together with your national team members, prepare a presentation about your country, region and town. Your teachers will tell you what to talk about so that each team can show a different bit: main places, monuments, food, traditions, music, famous people,...

    TASK 2 - National teams

    Use the board below and upload your presentation. 

    DON’T forget to write your name and country.

    TASK 3 - Individual

    Landmarks: Use the board below to write about a place you would like your partners to visit or see. Explain why you like it or recommend it. Upload a picture so that we can see it. DON’T forget to write your name and country.

    Remember: If you take the picture from the internet... mention where you take it from!!!

    TASK 4 - Individual

    Have a look at your partners’ presentations and use the FORUM to ask them some questions if you are still curious. 

    TASK 5 - Individual

    Have a look at the landmarks your partners recommend and get ready to explain which one you like best and why.  

    TASK 6 - National teams

    SCHOOL - use the forum to ask and answer questions about your schools. Use your team thread and remember to click on “quote” before answering a question.

    TASK 7 - Class work

    Together with your class partners, make a poster with information about your international team partners’ schools.


  • Our countries // landmarks

    Beer (Nikola Kučerová, Czech Republic)

    Beer is very popular in our country. We have got lots of types of beer. Maybe you know Czech beer Pilsen - it comes from the town Plzeň. The Czech Republic is home to the original Budweiser.

    Photo taken from: https://www.blesk.cz/clanek/radce/495847/gambrinus-poprve-oslavi-chmelobrani-ve-velkem-vsechno-pivo-do-hospod-uvaril-z-cerstveho-chmele.html

    Czech national meal (David - Czech Republic)

    Roast pork, cabbage and dumplings - its national Czech food. Do you know how to make dumplings (in Czech KNEDLÍKY)? Here is the recipe: https://www.instructables.com/id/Czech-dumplings/

    Photo taken from: http://www.czechcookbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/blog_image_vepro_knedlo_zelo1.jpg

    Uherské Hradiště (Viktor - Czech Republic)

    Uherské Hradiště is our town. The town was created by Přemysl Otakar II in 1257. Uherské Hradiště (UH) is the center of the region culture. We have got a gymnasium which was created in year 1884. UH has the biggest river of Moravia, river Morava. UH is 230 meters above the sea. You can visit many sights like Plague column, Masaryk square, Marian square, Slovácké museum, Slovácké theatre, Slovácká búda. We got many festivals like Summer Film school festival, Festival of wine, Tournament of beach volleyball on the square and many others. Sport is not unknown for this city, we are playing hockey, football, athletics, karate, volleyball, floorball. We have got a big aquapark here, the hospital is not small too It is a beautiful city.

    Photo taken from https://www.praga-praha.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Угерске-Градиште-1.jpg

    Buchlov-our nearest and most beautiful castle (Lucie - Czech Republic)

    Buchlov was built in the 1st half of the 13th century. It is in Chřiby mountains. He is at 509 metres above the sea level. There are tours of the castle every weekend.Even night tours are done in the summer.They say there's a black lady haunted there. Buchlov is a very popular tourist spot and people come here all year round.You can take a trip here, have lunch or drink a beer.I love this place so much and I always love going there

    Photo from:https://desperado.cz/clanek-2284-hrad-buchlov.html

    Karel Gott (Bruno Dufka - Czech Republic

    Karel Gott was a Czech singer. He was born in Pilsen in July 1939 and he died this year on 1st October 2019. He had success also in the German-speaking countries, where he was known as "the Golden Voice of Prague". He had two daughters. He was probably the greatest singer of our time.

    Photo take from: /wiki/Karel_Gott#/media/Soubor:K_GOTT_PRAHA_2016.jpg

    The Czech Republic (Jakub Chudomel, Czech Republic)

    The Czech Republic is a country in central Europe. We have borders with Germany, Poland, Austria and Slovakia. So we haven't got sea :( The Czech Republic has about ten and half milion people. Our capital city is Prague.

    Photo taken from:https://www.i60.cz/clanek/detail/688/domaci-turiste-maji-cesko-radi-na-sva-mista-se-vraceji

    Prague - capital of the Czech Republic (Elena, CR)

    Prague is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic. It has a population of approximately 1,309 milion people. In Prague you can visit the Charles Bridge or St.Vitus Cathedral. The Czech President lives in Prague castle.

    Photo taken from: https://pixabay.com/cs/photos/praha-moldavsko-hradčany-2272435/

    Easter in CR (Karolína, Czech Republic)

    It is traditional for boys and men to chase girls and women around and hit them with wooden whips (gently, don’t worry!) Or they douse them with cold water. In return, the females give them decorated eggs, plum brandy, candy, some alcohol, ribbons for their whips and even money. This is done to guarantee the woman another healthy year preserving her youth and beauty.

    Photo taken from: https://www.tyden.cz/rubriky/domaci/chlapci-vyrazeji-na-koledu-na-morave-se-dodnes-poleva-vodou_473991.html?showTab=nejctenejsi-3

    Brno (Zuzana, Czech Republic)

    Brno is the second biggest city in Czech Republic. About 380 thousand people live there. In Brno you can see many Tugendhad’s villa, Špilberk castle and a beautiful cathedral. Brno is about 70 kilometres far from our town.

    Photo: https://www.elpais.com.uy/domingo/encanto-conocer-brno.html

    Lavash-Armenian national bread(Ani-Armenia)

    Lavash is pure Armenian traditional bread. By the way, in 2014 it was registered in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity as “the preparation, meaning and appearance of traditional bread as an expression of culture in Armenia”. It is dietic bread.

    Khorovats- Armenian Barbecue

    If we speak about the most favourite food of Armenians, the first dish which comes to my mind is Khorovats (you know its worldwide name – barbeque). Armenians have their unique way of preparing Khorovats.

    Khorovats is made on the flaming coals in the place named “mangal”. Armenian men are responsible for Khorovats preparation, so the dish has the best taste.
    Khorovats ingredients are:
    Vegetable Khorovats ingredients are:
    Green Pepper

    Charles Aznavour- a famous French-Armenian singer (Ani-Armenia)

    Charles Aznavour was an Armenian-French singer, songwriter and actor. He is one of France's most popular and long lasting singers. His parents introduced him to the world of theatre at an early age. He dropped out of school at the age of nine, already aspiring to the life of an artist. He began to perform at this time, and soon took the stage name "Aznavour".
    His big break came when the singer Edith Piaf heard him sing and arranged to take him with her on tour in France and to the USA. Aznavours voice is shaded towards the tenor range, but possesses the low range and coloration more typical of a baritone, contributing to his unique sound.
    On 1 October 2018 it was announced that Aznavour had died at his home in the village of Mouris in the south of France at the age of 94.

    Cristina, Gabriel and Paulo- Laviana

    Famous people in Spain

    Our Town / Erika y Aitor (Laviana, Spain)
    Pompeii (Francesca Gozzelino, Alice Rizzo, Sofia Rossi, Italy)

    Pompeii is a Roman city situated in the southern part of Italy, this city is very famous because in the year 79 A.D. a volcano, called Mount Vesuvius, which is close to the city erupted, burying Pompeii under a thick carpet of volcanic ash.
    The city was abandoned since a group of explorers rediscovered the site in 1748, they were suprised to find that underneath a thick layer of dust Pompeii was mostly intact.
    Today you can visit Pompeii and see all the Amazing mosaics and monuments of this historical and cultural beauty.
    Photo from:https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&id=53CCC7027E0E149F902A15C08FED61A9755DB9A6&thid=OIP.dnNQVR327DYjTh773Q8LjAHaEK&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fc2.staticflickr.com%2F8%2F7662%2F17359602140_2be4390bae_b.jpg&exph=576&expw=1024&q=pompeii+wallpaper&selectedindex=6&ajaxhist=0&vt=0&eim=1&ccid=dnNQVR32∼id=607997287783337315∼=11

    Sara and Miguel-Laviana
    Pasta ( Beatrice, Chiara F. e Alessandro S. - ITALY)
    Pinerolo: our city

    Arianna Masoero, Gioele Richiardone, Alice Campione

    The Italian Flag - Elisabetta Dibra, Matilde Picchi, Marco Caprini

    If you are looking for a nice beach, a wonderful coastline, you should not ignore Marbella in Malaga. Natural sightseeing, enjoy delicious food, sipping Wine in Marbella, you have the perfect holiday. Marbella has experienced continuous growth throughout the twentieth century and the beginning of the 21st century, developing an economy based on the tourist offer aimed at visitors and temporary residents of medium and high purchasing power.

    Landmarks//Gabriel Fernández - Laviana, Spain

    Hi! Today I recommend you an important spanish football stadium: Wanda Metropolitano, Atlético de Madrid stadium. It is situated in Madrid. It´s hads 68.729 seats as capacitty, the most bigger stadium in Spain, with the exception of Camp Nou (FC Barcelona) and Santiago Bernabéu (Real Madrid). The stage of the Atlético de Madrid is one of the places with better atmosphere of football across Europe, thanks to the acoustics, to his show of lights and above all to its impressive hobby, who meets in the stands match after match.
    Photo taken by: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&id=66A60A0893A646EB435500727EF6E93095E6A77D&thid=OIP.Q2q1wXHdVd43uTkPw1GLWwFNC7&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fmedia%2FDJ2XdS0XoAYFh5C.jpg&exph=675&expw=1200&q=wanda+metropolitano&selectedindex=69&ajaxhist=0&vt=0&eim=1,6

    Nerea Rubio - Laviana , Spain
    Pizza (Alessandro Amelio, Alessandra Ricci e Chiara Giraudo, Italy)
    The Italian art - Giulia Dimonte, Maria Motta, Zhiheng Zhou
    Italian capitals (Matilda Manavella, Chiara Maritano, Sofia Vicino)
    The Italian carnival

    Federica, Milena and Paolo

    Landmarks \ Alejandro-Laviana-Spain

    Hi! If you have the possibility to make a trip to Spain, I recommend you go to Vigo. It is located in Galicia, northwest of the peninsula.
    The only drawback is that it is preferable that you do it at Christmas, since it has some lights, statues, trees and more, literally amazing and magnificent. I visited it and thought it would be very boring, but in truth, it is worth it, because it is not only what you can find in the Christmas markets, but it is also a city with an incredible history and culture. . In addition, if you like fish, you are in luck, because in this city it seems infinite, although there is also a great variety of sweets, if that is what you prefer.
    Without going any further, it seems a must, because it is really magical for Christmas dates.

    Nerea Rubio - Pola de Laviana , Spain

    If you have the possibility to come to Spain . I recommend you go to Benidorm . Benidorm is a city that is located in the Comunidad Valenciana , east of Spain . I´d like to recommended this place since it is a very beautiful city to spend your summer holidays there , its beaches are very clean and the water is crystalline , you can climb some of its skyscrapers to see the whole city , if you like amusement parks you can visit Terra Mitica and Aqualandia , if you want to go shopping there are lots of shops and if you like to go tourism there are spectacular places in the city to visit . It is an awesome city !


    I recommend Asturias because I think that is the best place to visit in España. In Asturias there are many mountains and beaches, Asturias is a place very rural. I love the vegetation of Asturias because there are many trees and therefore Asturias is almost whole green. There are many monuments and there is a very big and beautifull Cathedral in Oviedo, Oviedo is the capital of Asturias. The best of Asturias it`s the food because there are many types of meat and many types of fish. Pictures: www.iberia.com aacgi.blogspot.com www.telegraph.co.uk


    I recommend Albarracín(Teruel),it is one of the most beautiful towns of Spain.When you visit Albarracín you were transported to the Middle Ages.Albarracín is a small town 30 minutes from Teruel and two hours from Valencia,Spain .Its medieval architecture and narrow streets have been proposed as a wored Heritage site by UNESCO.
    Only 1016 people live in this paradise If you go there you can visit this place: Guadalquivir river,museum of Albarracín,the castle and cathedral of El Salvador.

    Carlota y Andrea-Laviana

    If you go to Spain I recommend you to visit Segovia. Segovia is proclaime a world heritage site by Unesco.
    Segovia is a very beautiful place in Castilla y León. In summer there is too hot but in the winter it is freeze. The landmark of Segovia is the aqueduct, It is a roman construction to transport the water. It is 32 kilometres long and it is make by huge rocks. It is really incredible. In Segovia you must to eat the most typical food, the piglet.
    I think Segovia is one of the most original and peculiar places to visit in my country.

    Andrea Martinez-Pola de Laviana/Spain

    If you are thinking of visiting Spain, it can offer several very interesting places.
    In my opinion one of the most beautiful places is Asturias. Asturias is located on the Cantabrian coast, it's an area with beaches,surrounded by green mountains and rocky cliffs. If you like hiking,there are many routes. It also has beautiful cities with museums and Romanesque monuments.

    Landmarks// Sara-Laviana

    The Basílica de la Sagrada Familia also known as the Sagrada Família, is a large unfinished Roman Catholic minor basilica in Barcelona, Spain. Designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí, his work on the building is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site.On 7 November 2010, Pope Benedict XVI consecrated the church and proclaimed it a minor basilica.

    land marcks Leyre and Victor /Laviana spain
    landmark miguel laviana

    Today I come a recomended you a little town of Asturias, Campo de Caso. It close to Laviana at 25 min aproximated. In Campo de Caso she live my grandmother, in her rural hotel. Campo de Caso is in the mountains, and you can see a lot of vegetation and animals. Its a good place torelax and have a good day

    Carlota, Laviana (Spain)

    The Project began in 1882, when Gaudi died in 1926, only a quarter of the basilica was completed. His last few year was dedicated to this wonderful Project.
    I think 150 years is a long time to build something, when La Sagrada Familia is completed, it Will haven taken longer to build tan the Egytian Pyramids, and only 50 years less tan the Great Wall of China, that´s pretty fantastic. If you have the oportunity to come to Spain, I recommend you to visit it, it is in Barcelona near of Andorra.


    Hello, I'm going to recommend a site in case you come to Spain and the site is Valencia. Is a beautiful city, it has very beautiful beaches and a hot climate. You can also find the science museum which changes the exhibition as time goes by and is very interesting.


    I'm going to talk about Covandonga's lakes.They are in Asturias and they're about 12,6 km long.This lakes are situated on Cordillera Cantábrica.There,you can visit the National Park Picos de Europa and the Santa Cueva of Covadonga.I recomend to go there because it's a wonderful place to visit.

    Landmarks (Paulo-Laviana/Spain)

    Hello, if you have time and you are interested in Spain i recomend you to go to Galicia and Asturias both are provinces,Galicia it is a very beautiful place in Spain in there are a lot of fishes and beaches so in the summer you can enjoy a lot of in there, Asturias has got a lot of mountains and lakes and some beaches, the town where i live is in Asturias it is very beautiful and you can enjoy the landscape so, what are you waiting for? Come to Spain and enjoy your trip here.


    Granada is a beatutifull place to visit. Is situated in Andalucia, in the south of Spain.
    In Granada is located El palacio la Alhambra is a beautifull palace in the neo-Arab Spanish-Muslim style, but if you like to climb, I recommend El Mulhacén the biggest clif in the Peninsula Iberica.

    Landmarks in Asturias- Vanessa
    Nerea- Laviana-Spain

    In this video, Nerea explains “food in Spain”.

    Melilla-Spain-ies rusadir (Nohaila,Fatima,Salma)


    Fuerteventura / Erika, Pola de Laviana (Spain)

    Fuerteventura is an island on the Canarian archipelago. I went for the first time to Fuerteventura when I was four because my family and I went on vacation there. It is a volcanic island with wonderful beaches and great people. In there, you can eat a lot of fish and shellfish and try goat´s meat (one of the typical dishes.) I have good memories from those times; doing tourism, being on the swimming pool or trying new activities. You can do windsurf, scuba diving, some tours and a lot more of things but, most important, relaxing. So, yeah, if you want to have an amazing holidays and also do fun activities you should definitely go to Fuerteventura!

    Our amazing city

    ❣❣❤❣( Ies Rusadir) Yuwairia,Bilal and Farah.

    Melilla, Spain

    Our city.

    Melilla, Spain. IES Rusadir.

    (Kauzar, Sihem y Soraya)

    My CITY. By Kamal Hamed, Romaisa Sannati and Hicham Kamboui
    Our country, Melilla(Amir, Lahata , Adam)IES RUSADIR
    Cultures From Melilla, Spain

    Musa Mohamed, Sabir Benaribi, José Antonio Carmona