Kick-Off Events

  • At all four schools we have organized kick off events to mark the beginning of our project and publicize it to our school communities:

    Collège Wilbur Wright organised a noisy but friendly protest march to celebrate our new partnership : Erasmus Students demonstrated to ask for green cities, more bikes and fewer cars, more gardens and fewer car parks and so on...They offered the other students to sign a petition in support of FOCUS, and they managed to spread our message quite well.

    October 21st marked the official opening of the Focus Project in Warsaw. Two days of secret preparations by the Erasmus+ Club members made the pupils surprised on the Monday morning when they entered the school building. Colorful decorations, balloons and free cakes decorated with flags of the participating countries and the EU together with music coming from all four countries changed the school atmosphere into a joyful feast with nobody really wanting to start regular classes.


    On October 24th the school in Santiago organized their kick-off event which inluded through different activities, in different spaces decorated by the members of the Erasmus+ club:

    OUR PARTNERS SPACE (library): stands of partner cities in the project, which were visited by 180 students.
    ERASMUS+ AND FOCUS PRESENTATION: digital presentations of the Erasmus+ and our project to 300 school students.
    SURVEYS: first survey among 9th graders.
    All in all it was a special day, a day of learning and spreading the project. Finally, the Erasmus+ group shared a meal.

    On October 30th, the Erasmus+ Club at Gymnasium Bad Nenndorf (Germany) launched the project at their school. They invited everyone to the auditorium where people could watch a video and visit different workstations. At these stalls students were asked to think about the carbon emissions created by different forms of transport, think about rising sea levels and sustainable building materials. Besides, they had to try to keep President Trump from gutting enviromental protection in Alaska before they could help themselves to some home made cake. What a day!