On July 8th four memebers of the Erasmus+ club at GBN met with the mayor of Bad Nenndorf, Mike Schmidt, to discuss ideas on how to make life in Bad Nenndorf more sustainable.
During the Bad Nenndorf meeting in Novmeber 2019 students from the four nations examined the development of the town over the past decades and also analysed the use of different means of transport. They found, among other things, that land use has massively increased since World War II, mainly because of residential developments, and that today the car is by far the most commonly used form of transport in Bad Nenndorf. Since both of these developments have massive implications for the environment the international group came up with several ideas on how to make the town more sustainable. They for example suggested that new autonomous on-demand bus services could be introduced or that several schools could be united in one building. Another idea would be to plant more trees to offset carbon dioxide emissions and to reduce land consumptions by builing more multi-story residential buildings.
In the meeting with the town's mayor students from Gymnasium Bad Nenndorf presented these findings and then discussed their ideas with him. The exchange showed that the town council takes ecologial matters very seriously and that some of the suggestions could become reality, such as the construction of a parking garage near Bad Nenndorf's train station. In the course of their intense debate Mike Schmidt and the students also developed an idea for a joint project as the school, whose 100th anniversary will be celebrated next year, could collect donations for 100 tress which could then be planted with the help of the administration. All in all, the meeting proved very productive and showed that the town and the school could become partners in their efforts to make Bad Nenndorf far more ecological.