March, April, May &June 2020

  • Although the spring is coming in March and everything is reviving so the food should also boost into a more modern and fresher form, we are experiencing a difficult time due to the spreading of a dangerous "coronavirus" around the world. At this time when we should prepare for the Easter holiday bringing us light of hope for better future, we need to take care of our health, people around us and the whole life has changed significantly.

    To boost a bit our minds we want you to share your ideas for the meals and drinks that your grandparents used to prepare you when you were ill to recover quicker. It would be great to have them here in this space as they might be a kind of inspiring supporting treatment when you don´t feel very well.

    At the same time, it will be fine to have your ideas about what you are doing and how you cope with this situation. Add your ideas, feeling, stories, pictures and whatever you find suitable to encourage and boost others who are experiencing the same at their homes.

  • What do you do in this hard period? How do you live it out? What are your feeling and ideas?

    How I perceive the momentary situation.

    At present we have coronavirus confirmed in Slovakia. I think our country has taken good precautions before the spread of coronavirus. People stayed in quarantine, doctors, nurses, rescuers, salesmen, police firefighters stayed at work to help people who need it. The streets are empty, cities turned into ghost towns, people only go shooping, to a pharmacy and home. Waering a glove to keep them from infected and not spreading it further. I believe that we will overcome it together and people will understand that it was a waring signal from Mother Nature.

    Momentary situation

    I protect myself and my family. ❤
    Wearing a veil is not a shame!

    How Am i coping with surent situation

    Typical meal in my country is chicken soup, it nicely warms up the body when I have cold and sore throat. Same goes for fruits, vegetables, and tea. All of these things are very helpful when we're ill.

    When it comes to our curent situation, I'm trying to do everything recommended - washing my hands, boosting my immune system, wearing facemask. I'm not going out. I think we need little break from social media. These days I see only numbers of deaths, yet media ignore the fact that there are many recovered people. We shouldn't be just informed about negative stuff, fear kills more than illnes itself. I'm trying to communicate with my family and friends, we talk about different topics to distract eachother. Let's hope this situation will change soon.

    My toughts on coronavirus

    I am very social kind of person, so I don't handle the situation very well. However, even when I miss going oustide with my friends, I try to stay home as much as possible for my own safety. There are moments when I wander off to nature so I can be oustide, but safe. Sometimes I can't handle being home, so this is my solution. I alao wash my hands and wear masks so I'm protected.

    How I deal with the current situation?

    In the beginning, it was hard, but I got used to it. I started to pay more attention to myself and my family. I help my brothers with school, I do dinner or some desert. Because I lose a lot of time on school, I don't have much free time. When I have, I use it to sleep longer, draw, watch movies and series and spend more time in nature: I walk, cycle, discover. I feel better now then before, when it was normal school because I have more free time and I don't stress too much. I hope the same situation is with you and that we will get through this year with marks we want. On the other side, I miss my friends and I hope the situation will change soon. I want you to stay calm and healthy.
    Jelena Ivelić, SŠ Bol

    Life in a Hard Period

    During this coronavirus crisis I spend time with my family and I play with my pets. I go for a walk sometimes but I keep my distance from other people. The only problem for me is that I have to go to online school which is very stressful.

    My toughts during theese difficult times

    For me staying at home is really hard. Because I lived in a dorm, I only saw my family on weekends. I got used to living with my friends and it is hard living with my family again. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but they are very loud and it's hard for me to focus on school. I like to draw, read or watch movies whenever I have free time. I try to go out for a run as often as I can, it helps me clear my mind. I hate being at home all the time, but I know that I have to. I hope all of this ends as soon as possible.
    Lena Szentgyorgyvolgyi, SŠ Bol

    How am I dealing with the current situation

    During this current Coronavirus situation I have been focusing on school more than ever. I have been doing a lot of work and studying. I haven't left my house because of my safety and also I haven't been spending time with my friends. Although, I have been video calling them. I am pretty scared of this situation and I take it very seriously since my grandma lives with us and we are scared something might happen to her.
    Stay safe, stay, home, stay positive
    Karla Rakela, SŠ Bol

    My thoughts during these difficult times

    Although we are exposed to a very difficult period, I think we can learn a lot from this. I think we have learned from this how important hygiene is, how important we are to each other, how important nature is to us and how much we can't do without it.
    During these days, I try to gather myself with positive thoughts because unfortunately the media only talk about the number of sick and dead.
    I devoted a little more time to school than usual. I try to work more on myself so I often do what makes me happy; draw, read, solve puzzles, ride a bike or run. So, if we want to get out of this situation as a hero, we need to surround ourselves with positive thoughts and obey orders issued by the authorities. #stayhome :)
    Marija Karninčić, Croatia

    How am I coping with the current situation

    Due to the situation caused by COVID-19 most of us are living a little different lives then before. It was a lot harder in the beginning because we had to get used to the online school system and do pretty much all by ourselves. But now it's not so hard. Even though I spend more time learning, I also have more time for myself which I spend drawing or watching movies. I also enjoy reading so when I have time or when I'm bored I just take a book and read. I'm also a little bit more dedicated to my family. In conclusion the more this situation lasts it's easier to handle it and I'm pretty okay with it. The most important thing is to stay home and stay healthy.
    Ela Pavišić, OŠ Bol

    How do I cope with the current situation?

    These past 2 months have been a crazy ride. In my wildest dreams I could never imagine that something like this could ever happen. This time has been one of the most stresfull and the best time of my life. It is very hard to keep positive but I try my best to do so. I have never spent this much time with my family, and honestly sometimes it is a blessing and sometimes it is just crazy😅. I am trying to stay motivated and to be as productive as I can be. I just hope this will pass soon and things are going to go back to normal!
    Stay safe and wash your hands😁.
    Mia, High school Bol


    Few days ago the virus visited my island, the island of Brač. It is hard to keep the distance between our neighbours and friends. I use this time to be with my family and this isolation helped us get to know each other better. I also video chat with my friends because I miss them a lot. I started excercising and spending time in nature. I also have more time for photograpy and studying. This isolation can be used in a good way, to recover from stressful lives we were living and to start taking care about our well being.
    Iris Stančić, Srednja škola Bol

    My thoughts...

    Although, these are really difficult times for everyone, I am trying to get the best out of it. I am trying to be productive and use this free time to do something which I usually don't have time for.
    I am proud to say that we are blessed with beautiful nature, fresh air and so much more so I have a chance to sit on the beach or enjoy the walk. People in big cities don't have such opportunities and that's why we have to be grateful for what we have. I like sport and spending time in nature but I am not proud to say that I am one of those people who will easily replace that with comfort of their cosy bed and good book.😅 Hopefully, this will end soon. Stay healthy and HAPPY.
    Lucija Ivičić, SŠ Bol

    My life during coronavirus period

    I'm good during this period. I play the guitar and an accordion every day. I play different sports every day like football, bascetball, volleyball, badminton, tennis... I usually help my father with gardening because we plant different vegetables and I study every morning. During this time I feel very conected with my family and we play family games every day. - Ivan Jercic

    My life during this pandemic situation

    Before COVID-19 I was hanging out with my friends and things were pretty normal. But now we are living differently and we need to get used to this for our own good. I don’t like this situation because I miss my friends, but it will end soon. No matter how bad you want to go out please stay home, that is the only way we can help to stop this!
    Marta Mančić
    SŠ Bol


    My life during this pandemic is a little bit weird. When everything was normal, I was hanging out with my friends and having fun. But now, I’m not having fun like before. It’s boring staying at home every day and night. Activities that make me happy are reading, drawing, watching movies and writing poetry. Hope you are all safe! :))))
    Lara Trlin, SŠB

    Covid19 nightmare

    Rossella Colantoni from Italy wants to share her video about feelings and fear during this terribile period