November & December 2021

  • Srednja škola BOL- Croatia

    Traditional Christmas breakfast in our school

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  • Baking of "Opekance" - Traditional Christmas Dish


    We were lucky again as we could continue our tradition of baking "opekance" a traditional Christmas dish in Slovakia. The students from the first year had the opportunity to prepare them with Mrs Alenka Mešková who is like their grandmother. ;)

    Photo Collage

    Here are few photos from the whole event. It looks like all the students had a lot of fun. :)


    1 kg of fine flour (for raised dough)
    42 g of yeast
    5 soup spoons of granulated sugar
    1 teaspoon of salt
    2 teaspoons of ground aniseed
    a pinch of ground star anise
    300 ml of milk
    80 g of butter
    15 ml of lukewarm water
    1 egg
    100 ml of milk (for yeast)
    a pinch of granulated sugar (for yeast)


    As the baked dough becomes tough quickly, pour it with either boiling water or milk and leave it covered until soft again. Add ground poppy seeds or nuts, sugar and melted butter and serve for eating.


    Prepare mother dough from 100 ml of milk, a pinch of sugar and yeast. Sieve the flour into a bowl. Add sugar, salt, anise and star anise. Mix everything together. Make two wholes in the mixture for an egg and the mother dough. Warm the milk and melt the butter in it. Pour the lukewarm milk with melted butter into the whole with an egg. Start kneading everything together with a hand or a wooden spoon. Gradually add lukewarm water so that the dough stays smooth. Then leave the dough rise on a warm place. Move the risen dough on a board sprinkled with flour and make a loaf. Next cut strips from the dough and roll them into 1,3 cm thick cylinder shapes. Those cut into 2 cm long pieces which are directly put on greased baking tins. Bake them on 180°C until they are done.

    Coffee Time

    As it takes some time to prepare "opekance", our students use it to make several types of nice cups of coffee.