Third Mobility in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia 21.-25.2.2022

  • The week in Slovakia flew really fast while discovering few places in this country, like Bratislava, Donovaly or Banska Bystrica, as well as the gastronomy and general culture of this small country in the heart of Europe. The activities involved the promotion of helathy lifestyle by walking a lot, e.g. almost 18 kilometres within Bratislava to see the most interesting places and monuments, doing some winther activities at Donovaly ski resort or regular walks to the hosting school and its canteen from the hotel in Banska Bystrica. Except cooking and baking of traditional Slovak recipes we had also the opportunity to try out the "hard" job of a barman while making mixed drinks and taste them of course. Moreover the possiblity to experience fine dining in one of the best known Slovak restaurants or tasting vegetarian / vegan menu by all students and teachers was a great fun.

  • Meals, cakes and mixed drinks

    Apple Strudel with Poppy Seeds or Walnuts


    Pumpkin Cream with Beetroot Crisps
    Mushroom Groats Risotto
    Pork Tenderloin in Bacon
    Sour Plum Pie with Cinnamon Streusel
    Shepherd's Meat Balls with Caramelised Sauerkraut
    Mango Delight

    1 mango
    3 big strawberries
    3 cl lime juice

    Queen of Strawberries

    6 cl mashed strawberries
    6 cl pineapple juice
    2 cl coconut milk
    2 cl whipping cream

    Virgin Sex on the Beach

    2 cl peach syrup
    10 cl cranberry juice
    10 cl orange juice
    1 cl grenadine syrup

    Blue Moon Cocktail

    1,5 cl lemon juice
    2 cl sugar syrup
    3 cl Blue Curacao syrup
    6 cl cranberries juice


    8 cl coconut milk
    3 cl whipping cream
    2 cl raspberry syrup
    2 cl pineapple juice
    1 cl lemon juice

    Virgin Pina Colada

    12 cl pineapple juice
    3 cl whipping cream
    2 - 3 cl coconut syrup

    Fancy Rose

    rose syrup
    crashed ice
    tonic water

    Rhubarb Paradise

    6 cl rhubarb puree
    2 cl vanilla syrup
    0,1 cl spicy syrup
    1 cl elderberry syrup
    soda water


    2 cl triple sect
    3 cl cranberry juice
    0,5 cl lime juice
    1 cl sugar syrup

    Male Frog Temptation

    10 cl orange juice
    10 cl cranberry juice
    5 cl Blue Curacao