May & June 2022

  • Srednja škola BOL, Croatia

    In May we have foto workshop where our students collected wild edible plants, learned about it, learned to recognize it, learned about its medicinal and nutritional properties, which part of the plants is used, etc.


    May is traditionally connected with the final exams in Slovakia, so our students were working on their practical part in the kitchen. To honour our project partners, they prepared the menus and recipes for an evening dinner from Croatian, Czech and Italian cuisine alongside with our Slovak ones.

    Croatian Menu 2022

    Czech Menu 2022

    Italian Menu 2022

    Slovak Modern Menu 2022

    Slovak Regional Menu 2022

    Slovak Traditional Menu 2022


  • Mixed Drinks for Coming Summer

    Cheering Up Elixir

    2 cl herbal elixir MEN* from Manufaktura
    vanilla soya drink or vanilla milk
    Put ice into the glass, add herbal elixir MEN and pour in either vanilla soya drink or vanilla milk.
    *Red grape juice, Siberian ginseng, puncture vine, rhodiola rosea, wild strawberry, guarana and grapevine.

    Herbal Temptation

    1,5 cl herbal syrup “Dobrá meducínka”* from Manufaktura
    30 cl espresso
    slice of lemon
    Put ice in the glass, add herbal syrup, pour tonic and fill up with cold espresso. Decorate with a slice of lemon.
    *Thickened apple juice, sea-buckthorn, echinacea purpurea, wild rose fruit, acerola, vitamin C, propolis.

    Rose Caress

    1,5 cl rose syrup from Manufaktura
    3 cl lychee liqueur
    1,5 cl lime juice
    Put ice into the shaker, strain the water, add rose syrup, lychee liqueur and lime juice. Shake, pour into a glass and fill in with soda.

    Raspberry Mojito according “Bystrická hotelka”

    raspberry syrup from Manufaktura
    cane sugar
    Put lime and cane sugar into a glass, stir and layer raspberries and ice. Pour raspberry syrup and stir. Fill in with soda and decorate with mint and raspberries.

    Elderberry Surprise

    2 cl elderberry syrup from Manufaktura
    1 bar spoon of cane sugar
    6 mint leaves
    4 slices of orange
    Put cut limes, cane sugar and stir. Add orange slices, elderberry syrup and fill in with soda. Decorate with orange, mint or elderberry flower.