September - October 2021

  • Srednja škola BOL, Croatia

    From 15 to 24 September, the activities of the Wild Plate were held in the form of field and gastronomic workshops.

    Since there were no mice in that period, the students picked a motar, an ancient wild vegetable sung in the play King Lear by W. Shakespeare, the food of the gods in ancient myths, and made a pesto from it for a local manistra. The gastronomic workshop also prepared brujet beans, a traditional (in a new way) typical of the Mediterranean diet.

    Days of Bread-Srednja škola BOL, Croatia

    For years, in our school, we have been preparing an event in October called the Days of Bread and Thanksgiving for the Fruits of the Earth. In fact, it is a unified celebration of several important dates, all of which have to do with the essential human need — food.

  • Healthy Lifestyle Day in Slovakia

    Fruit Smoothies

    vanilla soya milk

    Beetroot Smoothie

    lemon juice

    Fancy Smoothie

    salad rocket
    fresh pineapple
    Greek yoghurt
    sunflower seeds
    2 cl almond syrup

    Fruit & Vegetables Smoothie


    Not Baked Lemon Cheesecake Glasses

    150 g walnuts
    1 soup spoons melted butter or coconut oil
    2 soup spoons honey
    200 g cream cheese (light)
    500 g curd cheese (light, easy to spread)
    juice and zest from 2 lemons
    4 soup spoons honey or stevia according the taste
    fruit for decoration
    Blend nuts, honey and melted butter or oil in the blender. The prepared dough should be crumbly and slightly sticky. Divide the dough on the bottom of the glasses. Mix cream cheese, curd cheese, sweetener, lemon juice and zest in a big bowl. Stir the cream thoroughly. Then divide the cream into the glasses. Decorate the top of the glasses with fresh fig and lemon mint.

    Bulgur with Poppy Seeds, Plums and Apples

    1/2 cup of wholemeal bulgur
    1 cup of water
    2 apples
    100g dried plums
    50g ground poppy seeds
    2 soup spoons of honey
    Pour water over bulgur and cook it until tender. Clean apples and grate them finely. Mix cooked bulgur with grated apples, chopped dried plums, honey, poppy seeds and eventually with yoghurt. Bulgur can be served hot or cold. Decorate with grapes, pomegranate and melissa.

    Yoghurt Pumpkin Glasses

    300g white (Greek) yoghurt
    200-250g pumpkin puree
    1 teaspoon cinnamon
    2 soup spoon honey or maple syrup
    granola, nuts, fruit
    Mix pumpkin puree with chosen sweetener and cinnamon. Then make layers of puree and yoghurt in the glasses. Yoghurt doesn´t need to be sweetened as when mixed with pumpkin puree it is sweet enough. Serve directly or leave it rest in the fridge. Finally decorate with chopped nuts, fresh fruit and melissa.

    Chocolate Chia Pudding

    1-2 soup spoons of honey or ¼ teaspoon of stevia
    1 soup spoon of cocoa
    3-4 teaspoons of chia seeds
    ¾ cup of milk
    Mix all the ingredients – chia, milk, cacao, honey – together thoroughly with a with in a bowl or a glass. Put the bowl or glass with the covered mixture into the fridge for at least 6 hours. Stir the pudding before serving. Decorate with pumpkin puree and mint.
    The thicker the pudding you want to have, the more chia seeds add and vice versa.