3.4. Slovakia (Teachers)

  • The short-term exchange of teachers took place in a partner school in Kysucké Nové Mesto, north of Slovakia.

    The following activities were done during this special week:
    -Welcome ceremony for the guests, a presentation of Slovak school system and Year 9 girls guided the guests through the part of the school.

    After Meeting the Mayor of Kysucké Nové Mesto, a discovering game in the town connected with degustation of Slovak products was held there. The guests could taste Vinea and Kofola drinks, Slovak cheese products, Horalka sweets and the last degustation was related to Slovak wine.

    Common meeting for the guests and all the Slovaks active in the project was a little affected by Covid, so not all the Slovaks could take part in it. However it raised the motivation for the project. Especially when SLovak teachers could taste international breakfast prepared by teachers from the Cz.Republic, Spain, Portugal and Croatia.

    Foreign teachers also gave 2 classes each school to Slovak pupils. Pupils enjoyed the lessons a lot. They even met Spanish pupils through online chat.

    Some guests taught, some others did teaching observing in school and they also prepared International breakfast for Slovak teachers.

    During teachers meeting Finland connected online. We did evaluation of the previous year of collaboration, but also good practice exchange = Our schools during COVID Times. This is also a negative point - COVID 19 affected the travelling of Finnish partners.

    Spanish partner spoke about etwinning and we also exchanged our ideas related to the next pupils´exchange. What do we need? What do we expect? What are the aims? How to secure the best conditions against Covid? 

    Teachers also dicussed upcoming project activities.

    The last 2 days teachers experienced the Slovak nature and outdoor activities as well as the AR exposition. We can talk about a real experience-based learning. We visited an open air museum Pribylina close to the Tatra mountains and there was a good practice exchange related to subjects such as Geography and History. Poliankovo Gallery offerd to foreign teachers to collect information about flora and fauna in Central European country, about the famous film maker and we also had a nice augmented reality experience that was firstly done during Finnish mobility. Even Slovak pupils coming with foreign teachers that day had a great day and they haven´t visited these places before. 

    We also did an evaluation and discussion about the current state of dissemination and materials.

    -Expected results: acquiring ideas for own lessons (teaching
    observing, discussions), getting to know Slovak educational system, country, intercultural exchange to destroy the prejudices and broaden own horizons, open-minded foreign teachers becoming more aware of the small EU country, common project working, new experience for pupils.

    Physical mobility was combined with virtual exchanges through eTwinning.

    Here is the pdf document made by Croatian team about mobility in Slovakia and disseminated in Primary school Zlatar Bistrica: 

    Croatian team_Slovakia_dissemination.pdf



    PHOTOS from the short stay of teachers.