Report n°5 :
Stella, Emilien, Roxana
Number 1 : The military service is obligatory for every man !!!
When they get to be 18 yo, every male have to do at least 6 months of military service. The ones who refuse to do it generally regret it : let’s take the Risto Miinalainen’s example, young man who has lived 6 months of detention on an Island, off the coast of Helsinki, with an electronic anklet chain. Like him, about 40 people are in jail or has the impossibility of going out of their home each year. The diabetics are nevertheless only compelled to do one day of service. Women, even if doing it is not obligatory, still have the possibility of doing it.
Number 2 : They are all naked in the saunas !!!
It would be impossible to talk about finnish culture without talking about the saunas. However it could be awkward for some people to go there because finnish are totally naked there.
Nevertheless, the bashful ones can keep a swimsuit of a bashtowel in some saunas without anyone saying anything, even if most of the saunas forbid any kind of clothes.
Number 3 : They can catch up their tests !!!
As we could observe it before, the finnish education’s system is very performant. The students are very well accompanied and only their success matters : that’s why when they fail a test they have the possibility to do it again in order to have a better grade.
Number 4 : The happiest country in the world !!!
Finland has just been elected the happiest country in the world for the second year in a row.
In fact, this country owns this title because it has the best score in political freedom, expression freedom, culte freedom, as well as for its tolerance. This country is also the happiest thanks to the following indicators : GDP per head, social support, a great life expectancy and good health.
Anyway, loads of people think that this title is biased because it doesn’t count the fact that Finland is one of the European country where there is the highest suicide rate...
Number 5 : A country where you’re free to go wherever you want !!!
In Finland, the Nature access’ right says that anyone should be able to circulate freely in the forest and other natural spaces, nd this whoever owns the land ; this juridic concept original and only used by Northern countries is known under the “right of everyone”. This right let anyone Finnish citizen camp anywhere from Laponie’s mounts to the numerous lakes of the country. The custom also says that anyone has to be free to pick nature’s product, like mushrooms or berries, this rules applying also for a private owner’s land.
Number 6 : The hunting, very practiced in Finland
Every autumn, between 35000 and 50000 moose are being shot by hunters with a specific permit. In total more than 100 000 mooses are living in the vasts forests of Finland. The hunting administration’s quotas correspond to the number of fawns born in May and June of the same year. However, the state announced necessary to limit the number of libing moose in the territory because it has an impact on other rarer species, like wolves. The moose’s Hunting is still today very popular in the rural parts of finland, and 310 000 hunters were recorded for this kind of hunting.
Number 7 : Finns are the largest consumers of milk in the world, with an average of about 1 litre per day per person. Milk is available in the cafeteria at school. They drink it at any time of the day, both in the morning for breakfast and at noon with their meat or fish! They consume much more milk than water !
Number 8 : Finland : The country of trust
Finland is the country in the world where lost wallets and phones have the most important chance to be returned to their owners. Inhabitants and tourists also feel very secure in every public spaces and common transports, day and night. It is one of the most secure places in the world.
Number 9 : Children have a phone at 6 years old !
In this country, children are very autonomous and independent very early. For example we can see children who are, since the age of 6, hanging out together after the lessons and without any adults. Indeed, most of the parents offer a phone for security, in order to let the children be in touch with them. Also, it let the parents being kept informed of eventuals going out. Some children consequently own a phone since 6-7 yo.
E N D.