Other Results

  • Final Results for the Virtual mobility in Athens

    A dialogue created by the students on the activity proposed by the Greek team
    A dialogue created by the Greek students on the activity proposed by the Greek team
    A meme created by the Romanian team on the activity proposed by the Greek team
    A meme created by the German team
    A chinese portrait created by Greek students (french activity)
    A chinese portrait created by Romanian students (french activity)
    A dialogue created by the Greek students on the activity proposed by the German team
    A dialogue created by the Greek students on the activity proposed by the Romanian team
    meme created by the French team
    The statues speak.... (french activity)
    The statues speak.... 2 (french activity)
    Greek Gods - meme (Romanian team results)
    The statues speak... Romanian results
    Dialogues between gods - Athena and Hera, Romanian team results
    Dialogues between gods - Poseidon and the people of Athens, Romanian team results