First Workshop for Teachers in Munich

  • Project Management and Teaching on students with dyslexia and dyscalculia for Teachers and Erasmus+ co-ordinators of the project Inclusion in Secondary school
    at Sabel Commercial School in Munich, 21-26 October 2018
    Course /Workshop Aims
    - to support our partner  of the Erasmus+ Porject  Inclusion in Secondary school and to prepare the Erasmus co-ordinators and their teaching teams and students in the project at schools abroad
    Content of the course
    Sunday Arrival
    Monday, 22 October 10.30 Welcome to Sabel School/Come together
                        LEGACenter at SABEL Schools Schwanthaler Str. 51-53, Munich
                12:00 Lunch in a Bavarian Restaurant Münchner Stubn
                13:45-15:00  Presentation of the project Inclusion in Secondary School (introducing the school system and the focus of the project in the different countries) at Sabel Commercial school
    Coffee break
    15:30 -17:00 Project Management discussion/feedback from colleagues
    Dinner come together
    Tuesday, 23 October     10:00- 11.45  LEGACENTER Working Materials
                                      Coffee break
                                     12:00 -13:15 Visit and observing lessons of inclusive education /Wrting/Reading/Maths
    lunch in the school restaurant
                                    14:30 - 17:00 Project management Mobility tool/ E-twinning/Twinspace
    Deutsches Theater
    Wednesday,  24 October 10:00-11:45 Mobility with students in Germany: focus on Reading / working materials/ Methodology
                                           coffee break
                                        12:00 -13:30  Mobility with students in Germany: focus on Reading /working materials/Methodology/Evaluation
    13:30-14:30 lunch in the school restaurant
                                    14:30 -15:45 Mobility in Romania: focus on dyscalculia /working materials/Methodology
    coffee break
                                    16:00-17:00 Mobility in Romania: focus on dyscalculia /working materials/Methodology
    Thursday, 25 October 10:00 -11:45 Workshop for teachers in France- frame work
                                    coffee break
    12:00 13:30               Evaluation
    lunch in the school restaurant
    Cultural programme in the afternoon
    We ar looking forward to meeting you in Munich. In the meantime, should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
    Friday, 26 October
  • Pictures and Results

    The international group of teachers
    Cooperation with Lega Center
    Results Day 1
    Results Day 2
    Results Day 3
    Results Day 4