Chatting to collaborate

  • Chatting in TGs to organise the co-creation of comics

    Pupils meet in their TGs and discuss how they will split the selected story in chunks and which national group within the TG will turn which part of the story into a panel for the comic strip. They should also discuss and reach a consensus on the title of the story if the pupil-author has not provided one.

    TwinSpace visitors can take a look at a visual presentation of the chat meetings below and then proceed to study the instructions and guidelines provided to the project children

    Chat meeting 1 on Wednesday January 23rd at 09:30 CET for TGs 4,5,6

    Chat meeting 2 on Thursday January 31st at 10:30 CET for TGs 1,2,3

    The chat meetings will be about

    1. splitting the story into chunks(=one or two sentences each chunk),
    2. deciding which national group takes which chunk (first chunk is taken by the author's national group and the last one by the Turkish group who are on school holiday now),
    3. deciding on the title.

    In all three cases the members of the TG should reach a consensus.

    Spanish, Polish and Greek members of TGs 4,5,6 meet in the Chat room and discuss the three points mentioned above (1,2,3) on Wednesday January 23rd at 09:30 CET. At the end of the discussion they copy and paste the discussion from the Chat room to the Storytelling Forum (relevant TG thread).  The Italian and Turkish pupils, who can't join in the discussion synchronously , read the discussion text posted in the FORUM in class whenever possible and agree or disagree with their international partners' opinions. Ideally, they should justify their opinions. 

    The same process is followed by the members of TGs 1, 2 and 3 who are sceduled to chat on Thursday, January 31st at 10:30 a.m. CET

    Useful language

    I agree with you. I think we should .....

    I disagree with you. I think we shouldn't .... but we should ....

    In my opinion, this title is quite appropriate.

    I suggest we (do this)


    1. The Turkish pupils take the last chunk of each story and add the last panel to the comic strip of each TG
  • Screenshots of chatting within TGs

    TG5 (c)
    TG5 (d)
    Chatting on January 23rd, 2019

    chat history xls

    Chatting on January 31st, 2019

    chat history xls