Ice-breaking Online Meeting

  • Ice-breaking Online Meeting

    Project classes meet each other online just before Christmas on December 18th. Below the visitor to our TwinSpace can find

    • the agenda of the meeting,
    • guidelines to pupils about the sharing and singing activity
    • "Jingle Bells" or its equivalent sung in five languages (TwinBoard),
    • a video presentation of the Online Meeting,
    • a video extract from the OM with pupils teaching and learning a line of their international partners' (Christmas) song
    • the results to a poll used to evaluate the ice-breaking online meeting. 



    1. Project Teachers introduce themselves to project children (name, subject, name of school, country)
    2. Project children meet each other & say "Hi" in their transnational group
    3. teach (Christmas) children's songs in native language for partners to learn 
    4. sing an English song "Jingle Bells" they all know


    Singing a children's Christmas song in 5 languages!

    Instructions to project children regarding the singing activity.

    Share a (Christmas) song you loved when you were little. It may be a Christmas song which is popular in your country. Type the lyrics in your native language, translate it into Englsih (or copy its English equivalent), sing it on camera. Partners sing the native version of the song  on camera (if it exists) If it doesn't exist, they try and sing it in English on camera (e.g. Spanish children sing Silent Night in Spanish and share its lyrics in Spanish and in English, Polish children sing Silent Night in Polish and the Greek children in Greek. If a song doesn't exist in a culture the partners can sing an equivalent/a song sharing the same content or main idea in their own language.

    The videos collected on the TwinBorad belong to one of two groups. They are either public videos that partners use to teach Jingle Bells in their native language or unlisted videos of the project children singing in their native language which are used for the same purpose, namely to teach "Jingle Bells" in a partner's language. They have been added here to give teachers and partners an idea what "Jingle Bells" sounds in the partners' languages. The public video of the Turkish version may not be Jingle Bells but the unlisted one is provided by the Turkish partner and is song about New Year! Partners should provide a video singing the song in their native language as well as a doc with the lyrics and their phonetic transcription. After that, they should sing and record themselves singing partners' versions of the song.

    Comics and videos of the stories, lyrics and videos of songs will be collected in an eBook featuring the children's past!

    a video presentation of the ice-breaking Online Meeting

    a video extract from the OM with pupils teaching and learning a line of their international partners' (Christmas) song

    (The quality of the video above is rather poor. The voices of children saying a line of their Christmas song and repeating their partners' can be heard though.)

    Support Group: Irene 1, Anastassis

  • Jingle Bells in partners' languages.

    Jingle Bells in Spanish
    In Polish
    In Greek

    Phonetic transcription
    /trigona kalanta mes tin gitonia
    irthan ta kristugena ki protochronia?/

    In Italian
    1.Dulce Navidad

    by the Spanish partners

    2. Pada snieg , pada snieg. Dzwonią dzwonki san"

    by the Polish partner

    5. Yeni yil, yeni yeniliz (New Year!)

    by the Turkish partner

    3. Trigona Kalanta

    by the Greek partner

  • Attending the ice-breaking online meeting on December 18th. What did you like best?
    Repeating words and singing in a Foreign Language
    8 votes (22.86%)
    Saying lines of the song in my Native Language for partners to repeat
    5 votes (14.29%)
    Meeting the project teachers
    2 votes (5.71%)
    Meeting the project pupils of my TG
    20 votes (57.14%)