Digital Championship Competition



    The Erasmus youth Entrepreneurship students from Regional Gymnasium of Livadia participated in the Digital Championship Competition.

    The applied and worked in category: ● K1. Student Entrepreneurship.


    They learned about the subject-content of the Digital Agenda. They developed an innovative model (mockup prototype3) for a digital product based on the Digital Agenda.


    On the 20th of June 2019, students presented they work at a special committee of evaluators at the University of Cyprus.


    More details about the Digital Championship Competition.


    Design and Development of Innovative Digital Products and Services Conforming to the Digital Agenda


    1. Purpose

    The Digital Champion of each EU Member State undertakes initiatives to promote the benefits of the development and use of information and communication technologies and the acquisition of computer skills. The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Dr. Stelios Himonas has been appointed as Digital Champion of Cyprus. The Digital Championship (DC) was carried out under the auspices of the Cyprus Digital Champion and is a Digital Innovation.


    Competition aiming at the promotion of digital innovation and the encouragement, nurturing and advancement open innovation to pupils, students, other natural persons/teams, startups, newlyestablished businesses and SMEs.


    Projects submitted to the competition had been in one of two categories:

    i. Using technology to solve social problems and / or improve citizens' quality of life (eg. addressing social, cultural or environmental issues). 

    ii. Focusing on the design and development of competing innovative digital products and services that are in line with the priorities of the Digital Agenda2 (eg. eCommerce, FinTech, e-Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Smart Cities, eGovernance, e-Health, etc.).

    The competition aimed to promote new trends in the global industry, through special awards in specific categories of technologies which are not so widespread in Cyprus.

    The scope of the Digital Championship varies according to the category of participants, but a common parameter was the familiarization of the participants with the Digital Agenda and the development of an innovative model or functional prototype or digital product or service.


    The Digital Championship has three categories: ● K1. Student Entrepreneurship  ● K2. Youth Entrepreneurship ● K3. Developmental Entrepreneurship


    The purpose of the Digital Championship:

    ● providing specialized seminars to support the development of innovative models, prototypes, digital products or services (depending on the category of participants); and

    ● awarding the proposals to be distinguished in each category.