Evaluation for Teachers

  • Objectives :

    • Evaluate the project
    • Improve cooperation
    • Improve next projects

    Evaluation for teachers

    Task 1

    Fill in this questionnaire


    Result of our final evaluation
    To see it in large click here


  • Task 2 Leave a comment on what you think of the project. What benefits for the students, for the school.

    Annick Teacher-France

    This project enables to enrich our students, they met new partners, they worked in collaboration online and face to face, they indulged in the project without counting their time. It was fantastic. They overwhelmed their difficulties, they learnt to speak better English or even French. they developed their ITC skills, they improved their autonomy, their CVs. This project valorise our school because we present it and thanks to this we exchanged with other teachers. We explored the cultural patrimoine in history, gastronomy, folklore and craftsmanship. Links with students goes beyond school walls and has become real friendship.

    Murièle teacher/coordinator- France

    What a pleasure to have worked on this project even if we had to change our plan because of this virus which invited itself in our way of life. My students really liked all the activities and they had done enormous improvement in their ways of behaving and working. They gained autonomy, self confidence. They were happy and smiling and worked hard for the project. Erasmus+ / eTwinning projects are very useful for our school and students they allowed them to meet and to make friends with other students abroad. I am very lucky to have such good colleagues who helped me to run this project to the end. By it is strange to say that this project is over it has been part of our life for a while and the experience that we gained with it will be unforgetable and I have so great memories.

    Christos teacher/coordinator- Cyprus

    Everybody gain a lot in this project. Make new friends, learn new culture habits, new curriculums and ways of teaching . Students and teachers improve their communication and collaboration skills and saw how important are the ICT skills (especially during pandemic).
    At the same time we promote the Culture of the 4 countries and the collaboration of students from different European areas. Finally we
    realize that the culture of each country is its diversity, because tomorrow students will become adults of a multicultural Europe.

    Maria Zografou teacher-cyprus

    Amazing and unforgettable experience for teachers and students.The students had the opportunity to meet and work with students from different countries.I am glad I was part to this project .

    Sophie Christodoulou(Cyprus team)

    What a journey! We learned a lot about the countries that participated in the project. Our students came closer to other Europeans and the most satisfying event was their collaboration and team work. We managed to "work" together with the help of technology. Learning about and experiencing the variety of European culture enhances and broadens horizons. Our students felt part of a greater union - the European union connected by history, music and art. Thank you all.

    Xanthippi (Teacher Cyprus)

    What an amazing experience participating in Culture In Action program! Thanks to all the teachers for their passion to work both smart and hard developing their ideas in actions. Thanks to the pupils for their cooperation and interaction. Hopefully the benefits out this excellent work will make them friends for life and make them realize that the culture of each country is part of their own European culture.

    Kornelia (coordinator Slovakia)

    It was an amazing experience for my students and of course for involved teachers as well. My students enjoyed all activities, they had a chance to collaborate, to develop many competencies that will help them to be successful in their future, but most of all, they became more tolerant and respectful towards diversity, they opened their minds and hearts and became self-confident Europeans. It was a huge pleasure for me to work with such wonderful colleagues, learn from them, and get inspiration. Many thanks for such an opportunity!

    Katarina Biela (Headmistress Slovakia)

    I want to thank all partners for this project that had such a big impact on our students. Not only students and teachers involved in the project had lots of benefits, but also the rest of the school had a chance to follow project activities and get inspiration to change teaching and learning practices from a knowledge-focused approach to also developing competencies. I was in Cyprus and saw how students and teachers made a big progression just during one week. They enjoyed working together, they worked hard and had fun at the same time. This is the way how to develop life long desire to learn.

    Laure headmistress France

    It was a wonderfull moment with partners of cyprus.
    I discovered the magement and pedagogical fonctions of Cyprus
    I participated only on Cyprus travel. However, i suported the other travels and the work done

    Gilles, Director of the professionals trainning, France

    This project give me a positive experience on the human and social relationship. The relations with students and colleagues improved.
    I discovered schools and methods of work witch was rich.
    It allows me to discover new cultures and countries.
    I participated to the visit in slovakia, it was very nice, it was christmas time!
    Thanks to the teams witch organise and run this amazing project.

    Touria - Teaching assistant

    This cultural project brought people together, not only pupils, but every adult engaged in it.
    It was an opportunity for learning about the history and cultural heritage of the different countries, sharing but also entertainment, creativity and developing ICT skills, etc.
    I really enjoyed seeing our pupils sharing with others, with tolerance, open-mindedness, including accepting to see their country through the eyes of others. They also kept motivated and adapted to changes imposed by the virus and enjoyed every part of the project. It builds their identity and I am very proud to be part of it.