"Mentoring@sch" at a glance
Cities and Countries
Project Logo
Getting started
What is Mentoring?
Netiquette Rules
Project planning
Getting to know each other
My Favorite Subjects
Our Expectations
Onsite Meeting in Greece
Online Meeting for Tutees
Onsite meeting in Poland
Polish & Greek Tutors
Polish & Greek Tutees
Tutors and Tutees (ICT event)
Tutors and Tutees (Literature Event)
Module 1: Foreign Language
Tutors' work: Vocabulary & Activities
Tutors' Work: Vocabulary Fun
Tutors & Tutees: QR codes for Idioms
Tutees' work: Infographics
Tutees' work: Drawing
Tutees' work: Videos
Module 2 :Informatics
run marco tutorial
Tutees' work : QR codes
Tutees' Work: Easter coding
Module 3: Literature
Tutees' Work
Tutees' work: Extra
What we have done together!
Overall Assessment
Fun and Creativity
Facebook Group
Private email messages
Messenger Group
ICT tools
Evaluation & Dissemination
ICT tools
For our project, plenty of web 2.0 tools, software and applications were used.
numerous padlet walls
wordart for a wordcloud
piktochart to create a visual outline of the project
Google slides to create presentations of school, city and country
Google drawing to co-work on the project logo and the English idiom
Google spreadsheet, smartsheet, Google calendar for project planning
Google form to ask about pupils' preferences, to assess the Tutees' knowledge (Module 3), to evaluate the project
befunky and postermywall for collages,
poplet to create mindmaps, quizlet to teach idioms
jigsaw planet to create jigsaw puzzles
easel.ly for infographics
cooltext for graphics
Genial.ly to present the collaborative results of the project
Rocketium, Magisto, Photopeach to create videos
PurposeGames to assess the Tutees' overall knowledge
QR code generator
YouTube to publish videos
windows live movie maker to create videos
Audacity to edit audio files
Paint to edit photos