Tutors and Tutees (ICT event)

  • International Online Teaching and Learning

    Polish and Greek Tutors and Tutees participating in an Online Class on ICT 

    on March 1st, 2018

    (The padlet wall below hosts photos and videos of the event as well as the participants' evaluation of the process and products of the event )

    Synchronous Teaching and Learning: 3 onsite classrooms in 1 online classroom 

    (Tutors, Tutees, Mentors & Project Teachers in 1. ICT and 2.FL classrooms in Greece working with Polish partners in an ICT classroom in Poland)

    Three classes of Tutees (1 Polish and 2 Greek) were taught how to play "Run, Marco" by Polish and Greek Tutors onsite and online. More specifically, the ICT class was conducted onsite (in three classrooms) but also ONLINE with visual and sound contact among the classrooms. 

    The highlights of the meeting were (a) the online tutorial by a Greek Tutor addressing all three classes of Tutees and (b) online cooperative drawing of the English idiom "it's raining cats and dogs" by Polish and Greek Tutees!

    Agenda of the event

    1. Meeting starts at 10.40 - ends 11.25 
    2. During the meeting:
    -(a) Marco game - Presented by Greek Tutors and guided by Greek and Polish Tutors,  Tutees play "Run, Marco"
    (b) drawing activity -

    Tutees drawing together a chosen idiom from the list, it's raining cats and dogs" in English, Polish and Greek. They'll do it on a Google Drawing board. Tutors would participate, too, so eventually we have a piece of work produced by both Tutors and Tutees.


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