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Onsite Meeting in Greece
Online Meeting for Tutees
Onsite meeting in Poland
Polish & Greek Tutors
Polish & Greek Tutees
Tutors and Tutees (ICT event)
Tutors and Tutees (Literature Event)
Module 1: Foreign Language
Tutors' work: Vocabulary & Activities
Tutors' Work: Vocabulary Fun
Tutors & Tutees: QR codes for Idioms
Tutees' work: Infographics
Tutees' work: Drawing
Tutees' work: Videos
Module 2 :Informatics
run marco tutorial
Tutees' work : QR codes
Tutees' Work: Easter coding
Module 3: Literature
Tutees' Work
Tutees' work: Extra
What we have done together!
Overall Assessment
Fun and Creativity
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Evaluation & Dissemination
Tutees' Work
Literature: Assessment
Having studied the tesching material provided by Tutors, Tutees are asked to draw the partner's wedding song, i.e. the Greek students, in pairs, draw one or two lyrics of the Polish song. The Polish Tutees draw the Greek wedding song. Their drawings are put in the right order to "retell" each song and the result comes in the form of two videos, one for the Greek and one for Polish wedding songs (see under Assessment Task 1).
To check the result of their work, the children are given a list of 3 traditional songs from their own cultural heritage and they asked to watch their partner's video of drawings and guess which song their international partners have drawn. After watching the video, they should complete a Google form. For the Google forms (one for Polish and one for Greek Tutees) and the results of "Assessment Task 2: Guess the song" see below.
Extra: Polish Tutees sing and dance the Greek song and the Greek Tutees sing the Polish wedding song
Assessment Task 1. Drawing our partner's song.
Polish Tutors pick a Polish traditional song and translate it in English. Greek Tutors study it and prepare teaching material for the Greek Tutees to understand the song and draw its images. Their drawings are put in the same order as the lyrics of the song (in English). The Polish Tutees are going to watch the video and guess which song the Greek Tutees have drawn.
Drawn by the Greek Tutees - For the Polish Tutees to guess
Drawn by the Polish Tutees - For the Greek Tutees to guess
Assessment Task 2. Guess the song
In the Google form below watch the video of drawings describing the Polish song if you are Polish Tutee and the Greek song if you are a Greek Tutee. Polish Tutees have drawn the Greek folk song and Greek Tutees have drawn the Polish one. Can you make a sound guess?
Now it's guessing time! Have you guessed the song?
If you are a Polish Tutee, take a look at the options in the first
Google form
below and tick the relevant boxes.
If you are a Greek Tutee, take a look at the options in the second
Google form
below and tick the relevant boxes.
Good luck!
Here are the Tutees' results