Module 2 :Informatics

  • Topic:Learn how to code by playing a game

    Guided by Mentors, Tutors, in Transnational Groups, we will work together either synchronously or asynchronously and learn programming - the fun way!

    Mentors: Athina Kollia - 3rd GEL Argyroupolis,

    Monika Kaznowska - Junior High School Nr 5 im. Sybiraków in Zamość

    Meet Athina's team :

    YOU preview35 pieceEtw2

    When you've done playing with the puzzle you'll visually "meet" your tutors .

    My pupils (and your tutors) are : Christos, Elena, Panos, Helen, Panayiotis, Leo, Despoina, Konstadina.

    They will guide you how to learn programming by playing a game that is called RUN MARCO.


    You can find the game and play it in your own Language in the following address :

    Your tutors will prepare for you some videos that they'll show you how to use specific commands to play this programming game....

    Assessment: After watching the videos and playing the game with the help of  the Tutors, you'll work with your international partners to create (a) your own QR codes, and (b) a conventional coding system which you'll use to decode the Easter messages created by your international partners.  

    Have Fun <3

    The Informatics Team


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