The winner monument to represent our EUROPE

  • After a good work of designing prototypes and making the in 3D, it's time to analyze all the works of art.

    Let's imagine each piece of them in the centre of an important square in Brussles, the European Capital.

    which monumnet will represent tall the countries and Europe in a best way?

    Let's discover all the symbols, meanings and messages hidden inside of every protoype and give them the proper score

    Each participant country will vote the following survey, from 5 to 1, according to the criteria of all members of the group class.

    Good luck!!



    Here are the runner ups:




    Maria, Guillem and Martí designed this original and nice monument to be placed in the central Brussels square! It represents all the European countries, the strength of a stone like the strength of United Europe , and a dome at the top as symbol of opening to the world, round meaning the evolution, innovation and future.

    The winners deserve a little gift, so... here it is!