We are travelling together - in one train

  • In the following pages we will get to know each other. Where are the "passengers" of our train from?  Who are they? What do they look like? What are their hobbies?

    Can you find yourself? There are pupils of all classes in our train!


    Didactic comment

    On these pages we wished to get to know each other in as many forms as possible.  By help of ZeeMaps we visualized where our countries and towns of origin are situated. Padlet allowed our pupils to present themselves according to their age and gusto (It was remarkable that a lot of young people - regardless of their original country - chose a similar way of presenting themselves). Via Photoshop CC and Microsoft Sway pupils got an idea how easy it is to create impressive pictures and presentations. Thus self-expression by media literacy was emphasized.

    Our pupils

    • created a visual presentation of their home towns/ countries via the programme ZeeMaps,
    • presented themselves by writing texts and making films, adding images and films via the programme Padlet ,
    • created a colourful "international" locomotive and "national"  waggons via the image editor Photoshop CC (create template, copy, extract,add images etc.),
    • designed a presentation by embedding their "national waggons" in the programme Microsoft Sway (empty and full waggons with national flags) and sharing it with others.