The Survival Workshop: Bjarne, Niels, Tristan, Juan, Nerea,
Elena, Cas, Mees, Robert, Jamielee, Polly, Sophie, Marie, Lore and Ines
They were building shelters hidden in the Schulenburger Wald on the first day. Three different groups, three different shelters. They would all provide a bit protection, but a small storm could probably blow them away. Well, they werent build to withstand storms. All the groups had a similar idea though: Taking a few sticks and placing them somewhere like a tent. Some even had the idea to put a few leaves on top to have even more protection against rain.
On the second day, the Survival workshop practiced first Aid, so that they know how to cover a wound if for example a wild animal attacks them. They learned how to cover their wounds at their arms, hands and even heads, which actually looked kind of funny sometimes.
After that they learned how to make a stretcher in two different ways. The first one was pretty simple since it was just made with a bandage. The other one was made with two long sticks and a blanket and could carry a person that is so badly injured that he can't stand up by himself anymore.
On Friday the group went to the forest again where they were making .. bracelets. After lunch the group came back to the school and prepared a presentation that they will use at the closing ceremony.
And this are the results of the outdoor/bushcraft workshop: