Spanish students' pictures

  • Post here your picture. don't forget to write your name and the name of the French student whose instructions you have followed

    JUAN answers to Jean de Loynes d'Estreés
    Héle Saillard, Mathias Vivien- Nerea
    Parret Ylane- Nerea
    Goizane answers to Julyan Nourry.
    Goizane answers to Théo Loiseaux--Cachard.
    Goizane answers to Evan Schryve.
    From Théo to Goizane.

    Thank you for your answer. Here is my answer. The triangle join points A and two any points on the perpendicular line to side AB, also your triangle is not correct.

    From Julyan Nourry to Goizane
    From Jean de Loynes d'Estreés to Juan

    Hello Juan, thank you for your answer. But in your answer, I don’t see the circles because the figure you made is on a black background. But otherwise, what I see is correct.

    From Hélie Saillard and Mathias Vivien to Nerea
    From Ylane Parret to Nerea
    Irene's answer to Karwan El attar
    Irene's answer to Malo Nicole
    Juan answers Aymeric FINFE
    Héctor answer to Martin Pontabry
    Héctor answer to Nolann Houssin