
  • In this section we will explain to our partners the work about Sierpinski Gasket or Koch snowball.

    Students will write an article for the online magazine and post a video  in the corresponding section.

    Partners from both countries will work with Sierpinski Gasket and Koch snowball.

    Spanish students will record a video about Sierpinski Gasket and also will write an article about drawing Koch snowball using Geogebra.

    French students will write an article for the magazine about fractals.

    Please, watch this video as a starting point 



    ---- A description of how collaborations were carried out -----------------

    pages and subpages: Fractals

    goal: learn sequences in a life situation and solve a paradox

    FR-18 students draw a famous fractal called the "Koch Snow Flake" showing a paradox betwen perimeter and area of a closed curve. They calculate with sequences to solve the paradox. 

    ES students share a famous fractal called the "Sierpinski triangle". They share the drawing algorithm to obtain this diagram.

    FR-18 and ES students share their understanding of these two examples for one problem by writing e-magazine articles and by making videos. 

    FR-18 students discover the Sierpinski triangle through the ES contributions. They read the article and they follow their drawing guidelines given in videos to obtain the diagram on software geometry geogebra.

    ES students discover the Koch Snow Flake by reading the FR-18 contributions.